Is anyone locking down for Avian flu?

Looks good! They have lots of room to free range in- I'm sure your girls are very happy- mine just give me an evil look when I feed them.
Ha ha Chicky girl

I am sure your girls appreciate what you are you doing for them.

Mine have less room than usual but am treating them more than usual. Poopy bottom baths on the agenda,
Sorry I haven't been on this for a while, I hope everyones birds are well. I have a feeling DEFRA is going to extend the lockdown.
A migratory bird (a wigeon) was found in wexford and tested positive for avian flu so its officially hit Ireland. I saw the news but didn't hear anything about compulsory housing till I went poking on the department website.

Very frightened for duckie.

Are ye sanitising (if so with what)? Would my local co op have foot covers?
I believe they apply to all poultry and captive birds, so I would say yes, your quail would class as poultry and fall under the restrictions.

Just as the light at the end of the tunnel was looking so bright and inviting, we have had this huge extension imposed. Arrgh!!! Looks like I will be investing in a poly tunnel or two. I can't continue to keep them in such cramped conditions for that much longer. I know I was forewarned that there would be an extension but I was lead to believe it would be a couple of weeks not months!
Thanks. I thought they'd be ok as they won't be out until April/May time at least but then this whacking great extension was on so now I'm not so sure!

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