Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

I still have almost weekly pictures of my last batch of chicks, which incidentally had two white rocks in it, also purchased from TSC. SO, I should be able to compare their growth rate.


Homebrewed science.. my favorite.
The pictures are GREAT!

I lost 2 chicks within the first day or two, but now the rest seem to be doing really well. I've noticed a few going under the brooder (which is close to the lamp) and sleeping on their own. If the switch doesn't work out with these guys, I have a bunch of eggs in the incubator that will be using the heat plate.

I've also wondered if it's going to be too small for them after a while.
The pictures are GREAT!

I lost 2 chicks within the first day or two, but now the rest seem to be doing really well. I've noticed a few going under the brooder (which is close to the lamp) and sleeping on their own. If the switch doesn't work out with these guys, I have a bunch of eggs in the incubator that will be using the heat plate.

I've also wondered if it's going to be too small for them after a while.

When I first brought my chicks home, they wouldn't go under it at all. I had to keep putting them under it until they got the idea. The first couple of times I went to check on them, I would have to move the heat plate to get them out from under it. They would go eat/drink then huddle in the corner to keep warm. I would put them back under it. Took about 2 times of doing this and then they got the idea. Now when I go out to check on them, I pull the sheet back off the brooder and out they come ready to eat. When they are finished, the run back under it and get all comfy!

These chicks weren't used to a heat lamp. The feed store I got them at uses a brooder room and it's heated. I was hot by the time I picked/caught them all.

I think as they get bigger, they won't need to stay under it as much. I have the small one. The box says it's good for 20-25 chicks. I'll see how it goes when the get a bit bigger.

Here they are peaking out from under it.

I'm really glad I bought this heat plate.
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Hey all! It's been a week since I got my baby chicks and have been able to put the Premier Heating Plate to use. I've written a review on my blog, for those interested :) Hopefully this can help some of you who are curious or on the fence. I did notice that they're backordered until the beginning of March- apparently the craze is catching on ;)

Thanks to those of you who helped me in making my decision. I'm very happy with it!
The pictures are GREAT!

I lost 2 chicks within the first day or two, but now the rest seem to be doing really well. I've noticed a few going under the brooder (which is close to the lamp) and sleeping on their own. If the switch doesn't work out with these guys, I have a bunch of eggs in the incubator that will be using the heat plate.

I've also wondered if it's going to be too small for them after a while.
The one day I used mine, I had made the 2 legs higher to accommodate different sizes of chicks.
My plan was to move the red light further and further away each day.

(I sold it due to moving mine outside and the lamp worked better in the situation. It did work very well.)
Hey all! It's been a week since I got my baby chicks and have been able to put the Premier Heating Plate to use. I've written a review on my blog, for those interested :) Hopefully this can help some of you who are curious or on the fence. I did notice that they're backordered until the beginning of March- apparently the craze is catching on ;)

Thanks to those of you who helped me in making my decision. I'm very happy with it!

Thanks for the link. (Would have commented over there but I don't use any of the options for commenting.)

And thanks for the review. I liked how you made the point that you wouldn't be able to observe them the first few hours if they were under the heat plate to be sure they were thriving. Never thought of that but it was a good point. It just may change how I'd handle the first few hours with a heat plate.

Also- I didn't see it (maybe missed it) but I assume you ordered the larger one due to the number of chicks you said you had.

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