Is it illegal to own a Canadian Goose?

I am picking up some grit in the morning for the 2 babies I have. They are eating just grass and clover. I have offered a few other scraps of veg, but they are sticking with mostly the young clover in my garden. They are definitely attached to my baby girl. Won't let her out of their site. She is planning on sleeping next to the brooder tonight ;)
A lady here in BC had a goose for three years, she came home to find out the conservation office took the goose and euthanised him. She wasn't approched at all about the goose. Here is the news video.
I wasn´t able to see the video, but that seems rather potty, conservation office euthanising a bird it´s supposed to be protecting! Seems like rules for rules´ sake!
Here in Brazil it´s illegal to keep native wild birds caged, but if the bird´s free then there´s no problem. One guy I know has a toucan that damaged its beak as a baby. It´s out free, but it stays with him and he feeds it. No problems.
Some time back on the news there was a woman who had had a capuchin mondy for years, before it became illegal to keep them. It was taken away from her (not euthanised) and put in a place that "rescues" them, but it wasn´t happy so the authorities let the woman have it back. Nice one. Common sense is so agreeable.

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