Is it okay to brag a little here?


12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
I've incubated 18 eggs from my flock this year, and had 100% fertility. I knew my roosters were doing a good job, and started selling the hatching eggs on eBay.

Of the two people I've heard back from so far, both had 100% fertility, even with shipped eggs. This is the email I just got, that makes me proud of my flock:

You sent me 14 eggs.1 got broken while turning(dropped). Your roosters sure dont need any viagra. ALL 13 HATCHED!!!! 100% hatch man and this is my first try!I am up to my eyeballs in chicks. I am 110% satisfied. Give the roosters a high five for me and a "YOU ARE THE MAN" shout out. Also you get a high five as an excellent seller!!!

I'll shut up now, I'm just really pleased with that kind of feedback on my big flock 'o mutts.
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Taking pride in your flock and your good work is OK by me. It takes effort to do things right and getting an email like that has to make you feel great. Enjoy and Celebrate your success!
Thanks, everyone.

They're all different breeds, mostly heavies. I tell people my eggs are like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates because you never know what you're gonna get.
I think he deserves two pats! I'm one of the folks that got eggs from Fred and while 9/14 hatched (they were shipped from Alabama to NY) I'm very happy with that. He was also very good communicating about payment, shipment, etc. Awesome seller to deal with! If you want to see some of his chicks that are mixed with my mutts, look here. The yellow one taking a drink is one of his as well as the reddish one in the corner, not sure about the others. There's a feather legged one in there somewhere that would also be one of his.

Good job, Fred! I'd recommend you to anybody!

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