Is my pot belly pig pregnant?!?!?

But stinkerbell looks as though she IA another breed of potbelly pig my spotlight looks huge on her side and laying down.too she is due this week
stinkerbelle normally lays with all legs on the side too but she had her back 2 feet behind her this am and she had never done that. but she will have them when she is ready and im done stressing over it.

Easier said then done. You remind me of how crazy I was when our daughter was in the final stages of her pregnancy. I would sleep with the phone under my pillow the last month just in case she went early. The baby wasn't even due yet. Don't worry, I've joined you on the journey of your crazy train. I am sitting at work and checking in on your girl and Jazzy. Who's the real coocoo?
Lol, we are both so in tune to what our piggies are doing we notice every little thing. I know jazzy has a few more weeks. We got her around the 27th I think. I only think that because I know I got her on a Wednesday. And that is the earliest picture of her I can find. lol It could have been on the 20th too. Either way is she was bred the week before I got her( the lady's other pigs had been gone for that long) She will be due the second week in July(that is why I am hoping for them to be born on my b-day). That will be the 3m 3w 3d markish. So that is what I am going on. Plus her milk bag and nipples don't look quiet like spotlight's belly, well her nipples anyway. I am getting milk which makes me wonder how long they can have milk before they farrow. My only other concern is that because of her trauma after we first got her if any of the babies are alive or will they be still born. I do see movement but not a lot. If they were all dead in her she wouldn't continue to show signs and have milk would she? So many questions and not enough answers. We will see. I don't think I will purposely breed her after this anyway.
I think spotlight might carry a few still borns but around 3-4 healthy piggiest which i feel for every day
this is how big her vulva is.....I know gross but I have no one else to talk to or share with

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