Is my pot belly pig pregnant?!?!?

As the birth gets closer, you should notice her vulva swell and elongate.She will get milk in (generally two days before birth, but since this is biology, that doesnt mean it is 100% accurate always) and right before birth you might see a waxy coating on the ends of the teats. Usually the day of, or the day before she will not eat very much, or even nothing at all. She will seem restless and definately try and make herself a nest. As it gets closer she will start breathing more often. She will expell a mucus plug (anywhere from a few days to even only a few hours before birth.) Of course an obvious sign will be you seeing her sides almost twitching from contractions.

good luck.. and we want pictures of the babies!
thank you so much. I put some hay under my sink and she hasn't left her "nest" since I put it there. I even have the bathroom door open. Her vuvla is swollen almost to the point that the slit is spread open a bit(that sounds gross but how else would i describe it). She did eat and when I had her out and about in the house she was restless. I need to check for milk. I am so nervous, I am fine with dogs and cats but I am so nervous about Jazzy giving birth.
Here are some more pics of jazzy. Can anyone give me a clue to how much longer we have??

you just gotta rub that belly
I would think she might have a while as she does not have any milk bar going. Pigs are I believe pregnant for 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days. And you've had her for a month and a half.
What age are female pigs mature? Her being bred before you got her she is at least a month and a half. If you can figure out the time from possible conception and add how long you have had her you will get a better guesstimate...

These are two pics of her i took today. i think she is prego cause she is about 1 inch away from the ground. She has gotten double size since i last posted a pic. will she show sihns of farrowing if she is? and she lays down a bunch more.
I have been trying to research sows and pregnancy since this was posted. While there is some good info out there most everything is written based on large production. Only in forums am I able to find any back yard farm type information. now there is plenty of info on guinea pigs (spell check on that word) sooooo not helpful. I'll keep trying though.

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