Is my pot belly pig pregnant?!?!?

I am at a loss. Pure blood this morning in her litter box. I really don't think it is a UTI. I hate this. My sister thinks she is still pregnant. SHe compares it to a woman who has been put on bed rest toward the end of her pregnancy due to complications. She has been on pen g for three days. Short of an exporatory surgery I don't know what to do. And I can't afford surgery and I don't want to lose her. She is still eating and drinking normally, a bit more grump but can you blame her. I think her teets have gotten bigger. Anyone who knows pigs want to come over and take a look at her????? I couldn't pay you but I will cook you dinner. It might end up being eggs and bacon......(joking)

P.s. I have started trying to incubate eggs and that seems to be going well.....gotta see the up side to everything
omg i am so sorry for all your troubles. please keep us informed on your jazzy. it sounds to me as if she is prego and when u let her out she is moving around to much and then she begins to bleed. but i am no vet so i dont know just my opinion. And my stinkerbell look like she lost a "muscus plg" if that is possible in a pig i took pics i know gross but anyways it looked like it to me and the last few days she has been laying in a whole she has dug and only getting up to urinate poop and eat and very very moody with the others. i think and hope she is getting close. But i really wish you the best and congrats on your eggs.
will be looking for a update.
sounds like your stinkerbell is getting close, and I believe they do loose a mucus plug type thing. jazzy wouldn't let me give her her shot this morning and actually tried to bite. She also wont let me rub her belly, but she is still eating. I am ready to pull my hair out. post pics when you get piglets.

p.s. when you get a good amount of milk from a teet you have hours.
sounds like your stinkerbell is getting close, and I believe they do loose a mucus plug type thing. jazzy wouldn't let me give her her shot this morning and actually tried to bite. She also wont let me rub her belly, but she is still eating. I am ready to pull my hair out. post pics when you get piglets.

p.s. when you get a good amount of milk from a teet you have hours.
thnaks. and sorry about your jazzy. mine will not let me close to her this am without trying to bite and growl at me. and i will post pics as soon as we have them. i will post a pic of the thing i believe to be her plug .
spoke with a guy for about 15 mins on the phone about jazzy. he was selling feeder pigs and when he asked what I need I said "to pick your brain" It was a good conversation and I learned alot. He thinks jazzy is pregnant(pregnant not pregnant whatever at this point) and to keep a close eye on her. He said keep her confined and comfortable. I have also switched her to a gestational food. I need to post pictures her belly is huge and her milk line is more pronounced. she is one fat piggie. I got a lot of things to do so maybe this weekend I can get pictures posted.
So far so good jorey. Did have another incident with blood but that was a couple of days ago. I do let her outside for a couple of hours and that seems okay. I think I felt babies move again, unless you can feel gas in their Her are some pic of her, tell me what you
Strawberries yum yum, she can barely fit through the single door of the cabnit, she has to use the double doors. lol
talk to the butt
let me sleep
she has to have her blanket and pillow

MOM what are you doing?!?!?!?
Belly looks bigger to me and I think teets maybe a little. All going in right direction. My wibur loved his blankie also. Would spend 20 minutes at bedtime getting wrapped up in it. Thanks for updating and the pics.

just wanted to post updated pics of my stinkerbelle and see what yall think. so do you think she is? i swear i felt babies a few days ago. and her attitude has changed and so has her belly and teats
she looks like my jazzy except she is a lot bigger pig, she wouldn't fit under my sink. lol Looks like our pigs our about at the same stage in pregnancy. Wish we knew breed dates. There was old blood in her litter box yesterday but I did put her outside so she could graze and eat dirt. I guessed her to give birth around the end of may, well it is getting there, if she doesn't give birth by the end of june I know she isn't pregnant. lol
she looks like my jazzy except she is a lot bigger pig, she wouldn't fit under my sink. lol  Looks like our pigs our about at the same stage in pregnancy.  Wish we knew breed dates.  There was old blood in her litter box yesterday but I did put her outside so she could graze and eat dirt.  I guessed her to give birth around the end of may,  well it is getting there, if she doesn't give birth by the end of june I know she isn't pregnant. lol 
Maybe they will farrow at the same time so we can help one another I guess either way we can help each other. I actually feel babies moving I know I'm not that crazy lol. But she has gotten so far in the last month or so she has to be getting close. I made a video of the last time I know they mated but not sure how to pull date up of video or I could have a good guess as to when she is due.

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