Is my pot belly pig pregnant?!?!?

I'm so glad I can help. This site is wonderful and I have learned so much about chickens and their needs. I'm happy when I can help someone else out here. Have a happy memorial day.
I got jazzy's nesting box/new home built. It is not perfect I built it and everything i build is crooked, but it works. I know the area is not as big as my bathroom but i swear she has more room to move around and even a bed to sleep on, yes I said a bed. I had an extra crib matress and she LOVES it. I still need to get a tarp but that has to wait till payday. So now my daughter gets to sleep with a pig in her room. It went well last night though. Oh and to all you expert builders out there I do know if she really really really wanted out she could get out, but i think she is sassified. hehe:)
okay i went a head and took some pictures, the min. i walked in she got off her bed. I am still waiting for someone to tell me I am crazy and she is't pregnant. if she isn't my stepmom will be so upset, my dad said she could have one! MY DAD who never let me even get a dog growing up. lol sorry thought it was funny here are the pics

eating it already

today I will try and get some pics of my other feathered and furry friends since this is backyard CHICKENS lol
Honestly, you need to take her to get an ultrasound and find out for sure if she really is pregnant. It has definately been long enough that any just about any vet sould be able to pick up atleast embryos on the ultrasound, and give an estimate on how far along she is, if she is pregnant. I am suprised your vet chose to do an xray over ultrasound the first time anyways. Bones dont calcify until late into gestation, and ultrasound will be able to pick up embryos MUCH sooner and into last gestation if there are any present. Only issue with ultrasound is that it is somewhat difficult to count embryos once too big, but in that case you might be able to then take an xray once your sure their are embryos to count how many.
whose pig starting nesting??? That's right my stinkerbelle. One excited mommy.
yeah for stinkerbell!!!

sarahswank I would have prefered an ultrasound but my vet doesn't have one. Also I am not sure the local large animal vet has one and I am not sure if I can handle taking her to the vet again. The one vet I know that has an ultrasound machine asks way to much. It is just a wait and see game. I think she was to early in gestation when we took the xray as well. I think we just have a few more weeks to go anyway. If she hasn't had them by the end of July then she isn't pregnant for sure.
P.s. I am just glad that the amount of blood is less. No heavy bleeds like before just slightly tainted occasionally. One of the reasons I am hoping she is pregnant because it would explain the bleeding, if she isn't then I have no idea why she would be bleeding and I would be afraid I would have to cull her and I don't want to. The other reason is i would love to see baby piglets. hehe
Starling yea! Fir nesting. Haven, waiting is so hard but totally understandable. All my animals but a few are rescues or misfits that no one wanted. I love them dearly but but a expensive emergency would break me. And I'm at the point where I need to start finding homes for the cute easter chicks and ducks that people got tired of. You are doing the best yiu can for her a lot more than some in this world would. By the way love her bedroom pen.

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