Is my pot belly pig pregnant?!?!?

Read this entire thread. I am rooting for both girls to have their babies (am really hoping Jazzie is pregnant!)

I have two Potbellied pigs waiting to come home when our barn is complete. I look forward to having baby piglets of my own eventually. :)
I am hoping she is pregnant as well. I wish my camera wasn't broken or I would take picture of her.
No news to post on my end over here. Just getting bigger and her mammary glands and bigger. She is so short that she has to drag her belly across the little step into her pen. And she was mad that I didn't let her in earlier today. I love walking out my back door and being followed by goats, chickens, pig, rabbit, dogs and cats. It is so fun to have them all chasing me around. Next I need a miniature horse out there to follow me around as well. Any one have one they need to rehome. lol
Where are u at? Lol. I have a yearling stallion that's being a turd. I really need to take pics of my crew and post them. Maybe I ll make that my weekend goal. I'm glad jazzy is still making progress.
I needz more piggies for my satisfaction!!!!! FEED MEhhhhhhhh! On another note my chicks jumped on me today while I was pooping and my girl walks in on me with a buff orpington asleep on my arm and a bantam cochin asleep in my hand.
update on stinkerbelle she has gotten bigger her belly is literally on the ground about 2 inches, she loves the mud yes and her mammory gland is so so so huge. she is starting to breath really hard not sure if it is jus the hot weather but she lays around a whole lot and breaths hard and her eye she looks misersable. and when she lays down she lays on er side cause her belly is so huge. and her milk bar is huge as well. she is due this week and if she has no baby's by fri im getting the vet back out here. i will go take a pic to post of my fat mama. And is you were speaking to me about the mama bunny getting protetctive oh yes she runs at me and she did right before but has calm down alot now that babies are a week old. brb going to take photo of stinkerbelle.
not the best pic it's gettin dark an its off my iPhone but here she is.

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