Is my pot belly pig pregnant?!?!?

It would be my girl that makes us wait. I was watching her belly today and I saw it just a rolling and moving. Either she has babies(ready to be born) or really bad gas. Come on Jazzy I know I said I wanted them born on my birthday but I changed my mind. I want them tonight.
She is something. One min. she is screaming to get out, the next she is breaking my door to get in. She can't make up her mind what she wants. Not one bit.
I just brought her in for a little bit and she is CRAZY!! she usually does wonder around when in the house but she is trying to eat my toes. She tried to get on my bed(mattress on the floor, my frame broke). And right now carrying around my daughters stuffed pig and shaking it. Also one of my chickens is on my shelf outside looking in as if to say "why can't I come in?" Finally she laid down beside me. She is breathing heavily. I don't know how the poor girl can stand to be outside.
I haven't given up on Jazzy yet. Going to see her through to the end.
Hoping there are piggies at the end!
If Jazzy is pregnant, she should have them any day. It will be 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days since you got her on July 18th.

Any chance you'd get a vet to look at her now to be sure?

I know how you are feeling. My miniature poodle has been bred 3 weeks ago. I keep questioning.. is she, or isn't she? I sure hope she is. This would be her second time and her last. I will have her fixed once the pups are weaned.
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Hello All, this morning I googled pregnant pot belly to get an idea whether or not mine is expecting and ended up here. 459 posts later, I am DYING to see how it goes with Jazzy! Good luck to you both.
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