Is my pot belly pig pregnant?!?!?

Cute! Both of mine frequent the pool multiple times a day! And I'm so glad to see that you have a barrier collar on him bc I joke about it but didn't know if it was possible! My pigs at the moment stay in big dog kennels while I'm at work and I just let them out to wander the property when I'm home. I could just leave them out all day if that thing is effective on them!!

It works great, once he figured it out. He got zapped a few times and let out a couple of the loudest squeals :) He gets nearly 2 1/2ac to roam around so he's a bit overweight but happy. We don't worry at all when he's outside alone. It amazes me how smart they are.

Which system do you have? It's 2 1/2 acres mine roam on as well, the rest is pasture that they're not allowed in.(bc of my donkey)
We just have a Petsafe from Home Depot. He uses the standard collar that came with it. Our Sheltie on the other hand, has to use a big dog collar because he's a chaser and has gone through the fence before.

LOL that is so funny. Chicken collars. There is an invention. Little shock collars for chicken legs. I bet it would work. I might get one of the pet safe fences for Jazzy if I ever want her to wonder around more and clear my woods. Do you think it would work for goats???
It might. I got lucky and we had the fence here for the dogs anyway so I figured what the heck. Chester is 75# or so and our biggest dog is 110# so I said why not.

it is 115 days since we have had her. And no babies of course. lol On top of everything I think she is starting to go into heat. Her vulva is starting to swell a little and her mammary glands are harder like they are drying up. So I think she was having a false pregnancy. I think I will wait a few heats and try to breed her. This time I will know when. Would like to breed her to a white or more flashy boy. Will probably take me a while to find a stud and figure out how to get them together.
I'm trying to upload some pics of my piggies. They are 4 weeks old now. One stays in house and wears my yorkie's diaper and clothes and has her own blankie and own lil bed. When it's bedtime he will go to eat root his cover wrap up and knock out. Tryin to upload done!!!! In sorry to hear jazzy has us STILL waiting. How is everyone els's piggies?????? Mine was the first if the 3 wasn't she????

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