Is our new house guest anything special?

maybe a homer feral mix, but looks a lot like a performer mix like a lot of mine were. the growling when upset, when still pretty young like that looks, tends to mostly be from only ones that later turn out to be females, unless its spinning, puffing throat while going up and down/head bobbing rapidly (females mostly do to lesser degrees), id say get it some friends and coop them up were you want them easy to clean up after, and feed in evening before gets dark, but not so they will be let out to fly after eating to poop every were. its easy to control were they poop by just feeding when put up safe before bed at least an hour of light so they can eat as much as can consume of about an eighth of a cup each to start then adjust so they all get their fill but dont leave feed for rodents at night. performing breeds are great to watch fly around..

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