is she broody?


11 Years
Apr 30, 2008
east freetown, ma
I have a buff cochin banty who was laying she's 8mths now she's not laying but she won't get out of the nest.She is always in there. I have to physically remove her to get her to eat and she looks very healthy but not as heavy as the other 2 just like her.
Is she upset cause I took her eggs? As soon as it gets warm enough here I'm going to give her some to hatch but I'm afraid its too cold.would it be warm enough in the coop to give her eggs if I set up a brooder box for her?
A chicken can keep her eggs warm enough to hatch in all kinds of weather... She probably is broody and may stay that way for quite awhile - can you get some fertilizer eggs to put under her? that would be best.
yeah that's what i'm going to do , thanks just got to get her a safe from the other chickens box.
Hubby thinks I should wait till spring.what does he know.
can I put the ones I collected yesterday and this morning under her will they hatch? I have 3 they are standard eggs from my cookoo and polish roo.
they have not been refrigerated
Yes, thats fine !! Just make sure to candle at some point to make sure the eggs are good/and fertile. Cold weater doesnt always make it easy to hatch eggs !! Plue fertily drops during winter.

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