Is this a rooster?


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2015
Amerecauna 3.5 weeks old. Is this a rooster?

Thank you! My concern was that the comb was developing a lot faster than the others
I understand finding that concerning, but it's only one piece of the puzzle - while the comb may be more prominent, it is not showing sings of color (pink/red) and from what I can see in the photo seems to have only one defined row of "peas" showing. Those are indicators of being female - things that would point to male would be pink/red coloration setting in and three rows of "peas".
Thank you so much! It's given me hope it's going to be a hen :) im new to all this, first year with chicks!
We did get it from the hatchery and I hear they're pretty good at determining although nothing is certain

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