Is this spraddle legs?


9 Years
Oct 20, 2013
Southeast, IA
So I was out of town when this guy hatched 2 days ago (DH was in charge and now possibly demoted, lol) and he had quite a bit of membrane dried and stuck to his back and around his bottom. The incubator is lined with paper towels so not slippery. I washed him to remove the dried membrane and puthim back in the incubator to dry but he just keeps sticking his legs straight out behind him, sometimes kicking the one.
Is this from the membrane restricting his movements or spraddle legs or is it something else?
IMG_20190616_225112.jpg IMG_20190616_225017.jpg
I'm sorry your little guy is struggling.

Spraddle usually is 45 degree angle away from the body while the chick is they are straddling a bike or a horse.

This little guy's legs aren't in a position to stand. They are pretty much parallel with his body sticking straight back. It is possible the membrane restricted his legs until bones fused or possibly caused slipped tendons in its hips.

Sometimes they surprise you and rally amazingly once they dry. I will link a spraddle leg article below for ideas.

Thank you. The whole thing has me perplexed. I have hatched quite a few chicks before and never seen anything like this.
I don't think the bones are fused as when I hold him the legs will fold under him normally but as soon as I set him down he kicks them straight back and lays there. Maybe it is so etching with the tendons like you said. Either way I don't think he will survive he won't eat or drink for me even with a dropper.
Ugh this hatch is giving me all the troubles! I put this little guy on his feet inside a cut down toilet paper roll to try and keep his feet under him. We will see how that works. I was checking the rest and found one with a severe (I think) prolapse. Looks like there is some colon/intestines showing not just a swollen vent and of course I can't find anything about how to treat that in a chick or if I even can
I have chicks that come out with a lot of membrane dried on them as well. I had one chick that couldn't walk. After I gave him a batch under running warm water and washed all the membrane and junk off, I put him back in the incubator and let him dry off. He was fine after that. The membrane and crap had his wing tucked down so he couldn't really move. You can always try that to see if it works too

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