Is this true or not? Kind of a POLL!

Thanks for all the input! And GREAT stories!!! I sure believed it, but it seems that they WILL crow no matter what!
Amy J.
My Partridge Rock Roo could still crow.
So how about help with the 2nd part? I need our roos to be quiet a little longer in the morning for the next few months until they are moved. Any ideas on that? (Besides bringing them into the house
?) We have 3 large roos and two game bantam roos. And until we move to our new farm this summer, they have to quiet down until around 8am (thanks to the new neighbors who don't like law breakers!). The animal control fella is being amazing in trying to work with us until we move, but they keep complaining. He says if they were quiet until school/work starting time, he feels like it would be fine. Thanks for any extra input!
I was hoping the old-wives-tale would be true and it would be as easy as putting them in a dog crate, in their coop until 8am. No such luck!

Amy J.
Good luck. I tried everything to keep our roos quiet before we sent them away to propagate with other, more fortunate hens: inside, small space, dark, you name it. They crowed. If you find anything out, I'd be interested in knowing what it is. Good luck!
I really wish there was a way to keep them quiet because my DH has a house rooster. His name is Lazarus he is OEG bantam, and he sleeps in his kennel in our room. Needless to say I do not have to use an alarm clock because he makes sure that we are up at 3:30 every morning, and again at 5:30am every morning. I tell my DH that he better find a different room for his chicken or he is gonna be dinner ( I am just kidding about the dinner part though). Lazarus is a house chicken because it is so cold and he is so small right now.
It's true in some ways... in order to crow, they have to stretch their neck straight, we place a clay flower pot over a rooster for a week every night in our garage to test the theory..... it worked.
I've seen them crow with their tail up in the air and their neck near the ground. He was in an upside down box and was wanting to see out and let the girls know he was there.

So If you put a roo in something where it cannot stretch out their neck they cannot crow? I may have to try the flower pot deal.

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