Is this true or not? Kind of a POLL!

OK, so I'm at least gonna try!
You all make me laugh at least once a day, but Popeyes and the flowerpot made me laugh a few extra times!
Thanks everybody!
Amy J.
Any way you could make a "rooster box" to put him in at night, that you could pad the outside of to muffle the sound? Sort of like if he were inside a box in a coat closet with a lot of coats hanging over the box...(can you put him in a box in an inside closet?) Just make sure he'd have enough ventilation not to suffocate. That way he'd be comfortable, (it just seems like not a good idea to have him so cramped he can't stretch out, every night for several weeks, I know I wouldn't like it) and the sound level reduced.

Seems like they crow less in total darkness, (no light whatsoever) than when they can see the moonlight, or street lights, yard lights, etc. But they still crow. Just not as much. (maybe)

Good luck, anyway! I'm glad the animal control guy is being easy to deal with. How long before you move? Got any friends with chickens who could rooster-sit for a while?
(We're moving your way! Scottsville, KY ~where are you?~) We actually have 3 large roos and two small roos. Bringing them inside is not an option. But we have a yard barn that sits further away, we might try that. As for anyone to rooster sit, the only person with accommodations is at our old farm where our house burnt (and that's why we are where we are), and his dog would eat them in a second! We could just wait out the complaint (kind of an appeal). We're planning on moving late this summer. Thanks for the suggestion though!
Amy J.
I think its False. I sold some roos once and had to put them in diaper boxes. (With air holes) they still crowed and they had to sit down in these boxes so I believe this to be false.
I'm in Bonnieville, about 2 hours, I think, from Scottsville. It takes about 45 minutes to get to Glasgow, I forget how long to Scottsville from there.

Yeah, that's way too many birds to bring inside at night! I thought you just had one. The yard barn might help. If it's a smaller one, maybe you could hang old blankets or old carpet or something over the walls, that helps muffle sound a lot. I remember when I was a kid, they put huge panels on carpet on the walls of the choir practice room at school, to reduce the sound outside the room. I've read that cardboard heps, too. I haven't tried any of this, but it's what I've heard about. Or, what about putting them in cages in the yard barn, and put cardboard boxes (with air holes, of course) over the cages? I bet that would muffle them enough that they wouldn't disturb the neighbors, though it would be a real PITA to fetch in the roos every night and put them in the cages.

Mini-coop, movable pen type set up, just for the roos, with the coop part sound-muffled? Then you just have to close the coop when they go to roost at night, and let them out when it's late enough to avoid bugging the neighbors.

Any way you look at it, it sounds like a real PITA, to me. I'm so glad I live out in the sticks!
i thought this too, until i put my dellie roo in a box and he still crowed...then i held my rosecomb roo upside down n he crowed maybe it works for some but not horses arent supposed to be able to lay down with unless their head is down, i had a mare that laid down a lot while riding her and i got a bucking string that goes under the top lip and attaches to the saddle horn and she layed down with her head straight up in the air....there are exceptions to every rule i guess....
Somewhere I have a video of my rooster crowing while I'm cradling him on his back in my lap. Had one who would crow and I could wobble his chin and make him have a multi toned crow. And another who'd crow hanging upside down or just in my ear for fun. LOL
in all those crowing events... any of them do it with their neck bent? upside down, sideways, in a box... as long as it's big enough for their neck to be straighten, they'll crow.
Scottsville is about 20-30 minutes from Glasgow. (We used to live in Glasgow and Scottsville some years back). We actually looked at a place in Bonnieville. But, we love Scottsville! So we'll be hill neighbors anyway.
Howdy neighbor!

Thanks for all the input! I think we're going to go with the yard barn and try to muffle it a bit.
Amy J.

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