Is this what they mean by a "favorite nest box"? :)

Too funny and so true. I have 11 hens that have 6 boxes to choose from and I come home to find all the eggs in one box. Isn't there a saying about having all your eggs in one basket. Silly chickens.
Bahahaha! Chickensmoosh! Our four hens always use the same box, too... sometimes all at the same time. But I've never been clever enough to get a photo of them piled up in there together. So cute.
I have 6 chickens and they all get into one box! Is this ok? And really it's not a box it's next to there boxes
That's too funny!

All 4 of my 2 month old leghorns and EE's like to sleep in the same box. I don't know how they can breathe in there! The leghorns are starting to sleep outside the box as of a couple of nights ago. Silly birds.
What about broody Hens?? Here is a picture of a couple of stubborn girls. Move that little black cochin, and she is right back where she wants to be, with, that BO. And, she doesn't seem to, will see how this works out. Wondering if they will share the babies.

They look scared to death that someone is going to move them apart again.

Silly girls! The BO fluffs up but doesn't get mean, the little cochin bantam just tucks her head down
and pretends no one is there. Maybe they won't see me?
What about broody Hens?? Here is a picture of a couple of stubborn girls. Move that little black cochin, and she is right back where she wants to be, with, that BO. And, she doesn't seem to, will see how this works out. Wondering if they will share the babies.

They look scared to death that someone is going to move them apart again.

Silly girls! The BO fluffs up but doesn't get mean, the little cochin bantam just tucks her head down
and pretends no one is there. Maybe they won't see me?

They probably will share the babies! I have 2 mamas that are co-parenting 2 chickies as we speak. It is the cutest thing ever.

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