Isbar thread

Here's a link to a website where you can buy one for $5.99. Is there anywhere to get one for less than that?
On Ebay - $5.60 with free shipping - I just ordered 3! (2 will be on my swap page
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Im am being punished for talking bad about my isbar eggs! Came home to one of hens pulled to pieces, I let them free range once in a blue more!!! Have no idea who the culprit is...guessing a hawk . I'm so bummed because I now only have one hen! Ugh!!!!! :(
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Im am being punished for talking bad about my isbar eggs! Came home to one of hens pulled to pieces, I let them free range once in a blue more!!! Have no idea who the culprit is...guessing a hawk . I'm so bummed because I now only have one hen! Ugh!!!!!
Oh, no! I'm so sorry that that happened! I let mine free range in our backyard and I know that there is always a risk that something will get them. I guess when and if that day comes, I might change my mind about free ranging without supervision.
Im am being punished for talking bad about my isbar eggs! Came home to one of hens pulled to pieces, I let them free range once in a blue more!!! Have no idea who the culprit is...guessing a hawk . I'm so bummed because I now only have one hen! Ugh!!!!!
So sorry!
The only chickens that I let truly free-range are the ones I can afford to lose - my hatchery BR and an extra EE roo who has turned out to be very watchful. The others are inside their coop or surrounded by electric poultry fencing. I know that won't keep out the hawks, but there is plenty of stuff for them to hide under and plenty of roos on duty to keep the hawks at bay. There are hawks in the area, red-tailed and peregrine, but so far no problems.

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