Itty Bitty Chicky Committee!

I'm new to quail, I usually let the eggs set in the incubator till all chicks are hatched, and when there are eggs left I listen for peeping. If nothing I look for anywhere there might be a pip. If not I smell the egg(my least favorite way of checking for infertile eggs) if it smells bad, in the trash it goes.

I usually throw the eggs out very far from my house, one, it's good for the wild animals and will let them leave, not feeling the need to go kill some more animals, and, it feels wrong having a half formed chick in your trash:p.
Well, I mean like the infertile eggs, where nothing is forming. The ones that have chicks in them I throw them outside under a pine tree, where the skunks go
Well, I mean like the infertile eggs, where nothing is forming. The ones that have chicks in them I throw them outside under a pine tree, where the skunks go

Yeah, smart choice.

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