Ivermectin use in cats?

Over read pretty much this entire thread lol. My cat has scabs all over his ears. In reading all of this info it sounds like I should have bought the injectible ivermectin but instead I bought the 1.87% paste. So that's all I have for now. So my question is can I apply this paste topically to my cats ears? Please and thank you
ive read pretty much this entire thread lol. My cat has scabs all over his ears. In reading all of this info it sounds like I should have bought the injectible ivermectin but instead I bought the 1.87% paste. So that's all I have for now. So my question is can I apply this paste topically to my cats ears? Please and thank you
And how much should I use?
Scaredy has developed a new routine. While I am out feeding the dogs she approaches within 20' of their pens and sits on the lawn. When I come back towards the house, she runs half way across the lawn, stops and sharpens her claws on the maple tree, and then runs under my truck waiting for me to fill her feed bowl. She's 'talking' the entire time that she is doing this. What a neat animal she is.
I read in another post that Ivermectin is unsafe to use as a vermicide for cats. Does anyone have any information about this? I knlow that it has toxic affects in collies and collie crosses, but did not know about a problem with cats. During the winter a FERAL cat (as in wilder than the wild animals that frequent my backyard) took up residence beneath one of my pigeon lofts. She has since moved to a utility shed that she claims as home. She was in rough shape so I wormed her for tapeworms and then later I wormed her for roundworms with Ivermectin.
I actually used a dose 2 X what I use on my dogs. She now looks in great shape as she streaks to the security of her shed. I am hoping that she (calico so pretty positive as to her sex) is the result of a trap/spay/release program. My vet will not spay her after an experience with a feral spay that exposed him and his staff to rabies. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, is Ivermectin toxic to cats?
Scaredy has developed a new routine. While I am out feeding the dogs she approaches within 20' of their pens and sits on the lawn. When I come back towards the house, she runs half way across the lawn, stops and sharpens her claws on the maple tree, and then runs under my truck waiting for me to fill her feed bowl. She's 'talking' the entire time that she is doing this. What a neat animal she is.
I agree!
Scaredy has developed a new routine. While I am out feeding the dogs she approaches within 20' of their pens and sits on the lawn. When I come back towards the house, she runs half way across the lawn, stops and sharpens her claws on the maple tree, and then runs under my truck waiting for me to fill her feed bowl. She's 'talking' the entire time that she is doing this. What a neat animal she is.

i am hoping you can help me. i have a serious problem. 1 1/2 yrs ago i became the proud mom of buff opperingtons chicks. 10 two week old chicks came to me and it was love at first sight. i live in north ga. mt. where my husband and i retired in 2007. we lost all our investments and retirement in 2008. we were so thankful our home and cars were paid for because we were now living off our social security. this barely covered our food and meds. i lost my beautiful husband in 2011. losing our investments and way of life we had worked and planned for all our married life nor any other tragedy prepared me for losing him. my kids live in other states and they tried to convince me to move in with them. i just couldn't. this is where we spent his last days and somehow this is where i felt him near me. we have always had pets. we both adored animals. so i grieved with my two male cats charlie and sweets and 22 yr. old parrot, rocky. having to care for my beloved animals forced me to stay active. all i wanted was to have my husband back. as time passed i managed to create a simple existence for my pets and myself. i have several illnesses that eat into my small income so you will have a more of a understanding of my situation when i explain why i can't run to the vet for help. i have never owned chickens. my only experience with pets were that of the domestic kind. we always had money to care for ourselves and our pets. my husband and i were very frugal people and always lived well within our mean. i became a vegetarian some years ago. i watched as my grocery bill raged higher and higher. my daughter suggested that as a vegetarian i could survive off eggs and oatmeal. she was kidding but i thought there was something in what she said. i did tons of research, my nature. my son, the dear boy, used some of his vacation and came up and built a delightful chicken coop, my mail lady said it resembled a man cave more than a chicken coop. he paid for the whole project. the girls lived inside my home until they were 5 mo. old. when i integrated them to there new home, the man cave chicken coup, i spent most of the day with them i only left when they were safely on there perches for the night. they were doing so well until we had a very early and unannounced snow. we got 12 inches and i was terrified my girls would freeze. i was snowed in and had no way to get to a store. i bought them in and put them in the bath tub. i used some hay i bought at the ace hardware to line the tub. i had always used the pine shavings but they were out when i went for coup supplies so i had to buy a bale of hay. this turned out to be a huge mistake. the hay was filed with the carcass of a dead bird. i have never had any kind of parasite with my animals so the mites, lice and moths, yes moths as well, had infested ever inch of my home and coup before i knew what hit me. after fighting them for a month they also began to attack me. i too am now covered in parasites. it has been 8 mo. now and i have charged $3,000.00 on my charge card trying to rid us of the infestation. i have thrown much of my kitchen ware and nic nacs out. anything metal was destroyed. i have with the help of a neighbor able to get the coup and the girls parasite free. he had a friend who knew about ivermectin and the correct dose to give the girls. he had no idea about the dose to give the bird and cats. i found a formula of ivermectin made specificlly for caged birds for $5.00 on ebay. your thread is the closest i have found on ivermectin and cats. if i was not old and dislectic i could probable figure out what dose to give the cats but i'm at a loss. i have the ivermectin pour on for cattle 5 mg ivermectin per mL. the cats have the mites and lice and i'm pretty sure the have worms. i am desperate. i can't afford to continue charging on my credit card. i can't clean the house of the infestation as long as the cats are infested and i can't afford the cost of the vet every month. it is a viscous cycle. if you or anyone in the thread can tell me in mL measurments, i am diabetic so i have suringes, how much ivermectin to give a 10 lb and 17 lb cat using the 5mg per mL you can have my place in heaven. i am so deperate. i don't know what will happen to my precious pets if i can't fix this. thanks for any help shirley

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