Janoel Incubation Experience

That's a great idea! I use a marinade injector to drip water onto the paper towls I place in the bottom if the humidity starts to drop, but the straw would be nice to use for the reason you stated. Last time I was suddenly at 90%! I freaked and vented a bunch but then the pipping started. I had to stop and wait it out.

...bendy straws on shopping list.

AND GUESS WHAT! My hubby bought me my Silver laced orpington chicks for my birthday!!!! I have wanted them forever. What a sweetheart.

Well thanks! I was almost surprised how well it worked! Haha

Nice birthday present indeed! He sounds like a keeper for sure. What would we do without them? when is your birthday?
Never considered myself a Master Bator before, but since I've had a successful hatch, I guess I am one now!

Just something for you to consider... I came up with a little pipe system to be able to add water from the only vent hole I have, over to the next corner. I took several bendy straws and hooked them together (I cut the bendy section off the inner ones of the chain). When my humidity got too high, I was even able to guide the little bent end down between the grate and used a baby bulb syringe to suck water back out thru the straw. Didn't have to open the lid!

I know, I'm a genius

And my fingers are crossed for you for NO eggtopsies!!

I'll have to do something like that for my water also.. good idea!
That's a great idea! I use a marinade injector to drip water onto the paper towls I place in the bottom if the humidity starts to drop, but the straw would be nice to use for the reason you stated. Last time I was suddenly at 90%! I freaked and vented a bunch but then the pipping started. I had to stop and wait it out.

...bendy straws on shopping list.

AND GUESS WHAT! My hubby bought me my Silver laced orpington chicks for my birthday!!!! I have wanted them forever. What a sweetheart.

I am soo Jealous!!! The SLO roos are soooo beautiful! So are the hens!

So far out of the 24 eggs that I candled and were alive (hopefully all still are), I have 8 pips... it's been a a bit of a fight with my humidity tho.

I also found something out about the "spot check" if it suspended in the air at all you wont get a proper reading, it's sensitive to drafts from a forced air. The point must be pointed and sitting directly on an egg to get a proper reading.

With that... I'm going back to the barn to "zombie" out through my incubator window. Hopefully I will have a positive update for ya tomorrow.
Wow! did I ever have a scare this morning. Got up at 3am just to check on the little ones. At that time is was going great, it was pouring rain outside and fairly warm.

Woke up at 6am to look outside to a blizzard and 50mph winds. Checked on my little ones, there were 6 out and about. All blonde, guess my Buff O Roo was a busy man.

7am poof, power out! NOOOOOOO!!!
So I go cover up my incubator and began to scamble to get my generator out. Got it all set up, OMG no gas!!!!!!!!
kicked one gerry can. EMPTY!..
Now im starting to panic. Went to check the other Gerry can, still some gas left!!!
Got the incubator going and 2 hours later the power came back on. YES!!!

So far 11 blondies and 1 black and more on the way.
Wow! did I ever have a scare this morning. Got up at 3am just to check on the little ones. At that time is was going great, it was pouring rain outside and fairly warm.

Woke up at 6am to look outside to a blizzard and 50mph winds. Checked on my little ones, there were 6 out and about. All blonde, guess my Buff O Roo was a busy man.

7am poof, power out! NOOOOOOO!!!
So I go cover up my incubator and began to scamble to get my generator out. Got it all set up, OMG no gas!!!!!!!!
kicked one gerry can. EMPTY!..
Now im starting to panic. Went to check the other Gerry can, still some gas left!!!
Got the incubator going and 2 hours later the power came back on. YES!!!

So far 11 blondies and 1 black and more on the way.

OMG! I was holding my breath reading that last part!! Whew! How dare you scare me that way!

Sounds like you have them kicking out like rabbits. Give us some pics when you get a minute.

((((still laughing at "Buff O Roo was a busy man"....bahahaha))))
Wow! That was a nail biter.

Glad it worked out. You should be ok I bet. If you covered it and it was just two hours I think the heat held. Fingers crossed!

My birthday is April 3. No I was late and not named April for the month I was born in. I was named after the movie April in Paris--which I have yet to see!
There are still a few eggs that have no pips, if I don't see anything tonight, i'm thinking they might be a lost cause. Right now I am thinking around 5 are quitters.
Guess we'll have to wait and see.

This little white was the first one out. I pretty sure it's a Columbian Rock X

That's my little Australorp hiding in the corner. I think he feels left out because he's black.

That little striper is from one of my browns or RiR
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