Janoel Incubation Experience

Today is day 19 and I have at least 5 pips so far. Temp has been pretty steady and averaged 99.5F (based on 2 separate thermometers). I guess they're just ready to come out...

Woohoo! Awesome! Some get anxious I guess. Sure makes it easier on us when they come early, huh! Best of luck!
Last time the chicks I had hatch on day 19 weren't quite done baking yet. They hadn't fully absorbed their yolk sacs (had about a pencil eraser size amount out) but did survive just fine.

There are 7 pipped now and a few have enlarged their pips slightly. I'm hoping they wait to hatch until I get up tomorrow.
Babies all around! Woohoo

I'm setting lavender orpingtons tomorrow
My final hatch numbers were 8/15

I had 7 quitters at what looked like day 19. These were eggs in a similar zone of the bator, so I believe it was a heating issue. I made modifications to the bator before setting newest eggs:

Insulated the bottom

Made holes for bottom ventilation

Insulated the sides leaving windows for viewing This creates a thicker rim that I am hoping will help with the seal.

My box that the bator came in is covered with pretty paper and gave me enough room for 2 pieces of polystyrene foam insulation.

I freed up the thermometer that came with the bator so that it hangs at egg level and lowered another probe thermometer though the top vent hole in the back that hangs at egg level. I ran the bator for 8 hours with 2 additional thermometers spacing them in 4 quadrants. Yay! They all read within 0.2 of each other . I feel the revamp was a success.!

I will take some pics of my chicks tomorrow before I move them out to the hen who just hatched a few that I can't see yet!

N3kms and Bramble- I hope to see photos of your babies. What success you are having.
I hope I will join you in such great hatch rates this next time around.

I'll have to get those pictures later today. We ended up with a 50% hatch rate (15 out of 30). I had to help #15 out this morning because it got slightly shrink-wrapped after zipping.A little warm water made the stuck bits come loose and it's currently doing fine.

Of the remaining eggs 2 had pipped internally and died, 1 was a mid-quitter (stopped somewhere in the middle of incubating), and 12 were fully (or almost fully) developed but didn't pip. I'm wondering most of the chicks would have survived if I didn't open the bator to remove the hatched chicks. The humidity didn't drop a lot and was quick to go back up, so I wasn't really concerned with it at the time.

I'm going to cancel my order for shipped eggs until I'm getting better than 50%.
My final hatch numbers were 8/15

I had 7 quitters at what looked like day 19. These were eggs in a similar zone of the bator, so I believe it was a heating issue. I made modifications to the bator before setting newest eggs:

Insulated the bottom

Made holes for bottom ventilation

Insulated the sides leaving windows for viewing This creates a thicker rim that I am hoping will help with the seal.

My box that the bator came in is covered with pretty paper and gave me enough room for 2 pieces of polystyrene foam insulation.

I freed up the thermometer that came with the bator so that it hangs at egg level and lowered another probe thermometer though the top vent hole in the back that hangs at egg level. I ran the bator for 8 hours with 2 additional thermometers spacing them in 4 quadrants. Yay! They all read within 0.2 of each other . I feel the revamp was a success.!

I will take some pics of my chicks tomorrow before I move them out to the hen who just hatched a few that I can't see yet!

N3kms and Bramble- I hope to see photos of your babies. What success you are having.
I hope I will join you in such great hatch rates this next time around.

Mods look great to me! Looks like we made about the same adjustments. Great minds think alike
So I hope that means we will get great results out of them!
My final hatch numbers were 8/ I had 7 quitters at what looked like day 19. These were eggs in a similar zone of the bator, so I believe it was a heating issue. I made modifications to the bator before setting newest eggs: [COLOR=FF0000]Insulated the bottom[/COLOR] [COLOR=FF0000]Made holes for bottom ventilation[/COLOR] [COLOR=FF0000]Insulated the sides leaving windows for viewing This creates a thicker rim that I am hoping will help with the seal.[/COLOR] [COLOR=FF0000]My box that the bator came in is covered with pretty paper and gave me enough room for 2 pieces of polystyrene foam insulation.[/COLOR] [COLOR=FF0000]I freed up the thermometer that came with the bator so that it hangs at egg level and lowered another probe thermometer though the top vent hole in the back that hangs at egg level. I ran the bator for 8 hours with 2 additional thermometers spacing them in 4 quadrants. Yay! They all read within 0.2 of each other . I feel the revamp was a success.![/COLOR] [COLOR=FF0000]I will take some pics of my chicks tomorrow before I move them out to the hen who just hatched a few that I can't see yet![/COLOR] [COLOR=FF0000] [/COLOR] N3kms and Bramble- I hope to see photos of your babies. What success you are having. :) I hope I will join you in such great hatch rates this next time around.
Okay, here's one pic. Eleven went to lock down. There was 1 that I was pretty positive would not hatch but I left it till it quit moving. The other 10 are now under my broody.

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