
Moving chicks are always a great sign! No worries, it sounds like you have a few days. Mine were over three days late due to temperature problems. It certainly happens sometimes. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, but I'm sure you'll end up with plenty of fuzzies! Keep us updated! :fl

Will do and thank you!
The first blue Ameraucana has PIPPED.......FINALLY! Three days late, and the eggs are peeping up a storm! GEE WHIZ!

ChickenLady - How's are your eggs doing?


BackYardJack - Enjoying your fuzz-butts? Are they jumping and pecking each other?

Great news Marie - about time they got on with it!!!!
Jack those are great looking chicks, I too love the chipmunk one, very cute indeed.

We are ready for lockdown tonight (12 hours to go). I can't wait to candle tonight to see how many goers we have into lockdown. Today I'm off to brave the crazy city pre-Christmas traffic to pick up the next lot of eggs ready to go straight in when the others go into hatcher. Argh! When did I turn into a crazy mad chicken lady??!!

Are you ready for lockdown with those gorgeous black chicks today Marie? What colour are their eggs?
Great news Marie - about time they got on with it!!!!
Jack those are great looking chicks, I too love the chipmunk one, very cute indeed.

We are ready for lockdown tonight (12 hours to go). I can't wait to candle tonight to see how many goers we have into lockdown. Today I'm off to brave the crazy city pre-Christmas traffic to pick up the next lot of eggs ready to go straight in when the others go into hatcher. Argh! When did I turn into a crazy mad chicken lady??!!

Are you ready for lockdown with those gorgeous black chicks today Marie? What colour are their eggs?

Ahhhh yes, the crazy Christmas traffic. I, too, have to brave it today while finishing up some last-minute gift shopping and wrapping supplies. I drank some bad egg nog yesterday (at least that's what I think it was) and was REALLY sick yesterday evening. It felt like my stomach was full of bricks!

Three of the eggs arrived looking like I would expect Ayam Cemani eggs to look like. The other three, however, look quite larger and darker than I would expect. Unfortunately, 2/3 of the lighter smaller ones will make it to lockdown. 2/3 of the darker ones will. But, I suppose 4/6 for shipped eggs isn't bad. I have another order of Cemani eggs from a more trusted seller arriving by this weekend...they're insurance eggs in case a bunch of hybrids hatch out of these. Seriously though, my boyfriend is SUPER excited about these, so I am very nervous...
Here's a pic of the Cemani eggs:

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Ahhhh yes, the crazy Christmas traffic. I, too, have to brave it today while finishing up some last-minute gift shopping and wrapping supplies. I drank some bad egg nog yesterday (at least that's what I think it was) and was REALLY sick yesterday evening. It felt like my stomach was full of bricks!

Seriously though, my boyfriend is SUPER excited about these, so I am very nervous...

Sorry you weren't well - there is nothing worse at this time of year - too much to do! Hope you are back on your feet today.

I can SO relate to your last comment!!! Totally the same here, my OH is desperately waiting for these Wyandotte eggs to hatch, personally I am more interested in the Araucanas.....each to their own I guess.
MisfitMarie and dorpersheep they're doing great
, I'm not sure if I said but one of the chicks (The first rhode island red to hatch) had a bit a problem walking due to his leg not straightening properly but when I woke up this morning I went straight out to them of course and he is not perfect but he is running about eating, drinking and just generally doing a lot better! Each and every one of them are getting there own little personality and the pecking order is already sorted out between them. The first one to hatch has much bigger wing feathers than the rest and is at top of the order he/she is soo cute.

I don't know about the us but in the uk Ayam Cemani eggs cost loads, they are such pretty birds, I'm soooo Jealous!

I cant wait to see your chicks I'm already having to really try not buy any more eggs at the moment ahaha im so addicted i can't stop scrolling through ebay just looking what to buy next

It's fun to watch the chicks sort everything out between themselves, running right up to each other (or even over each other) and giving a peck on the beak. I have one that is a total spaz and appears to be "top" chick right now. It would be the little white/yellow bantam below:

Sadly, Jack... All of my eggs have hatched except the Ameraucanas (my favorite). And I am not seeing any action from any of them. I went ahead and opened one of them up (REALLY late hatch so I've been waiting a few days) and it appeared that the chick was fully developed but surrounded by a thick goop. It wasn't yolk. It was watery and very gooey. I'm wondering if my humidity might have been too high in the beginning, or if my temperature issues had something to do with it, etc.

I still have a bunch of adorable bantams: Japanese, Black Rose Comb, Dutch, Lavender Hamburg, and Silver-laced Cochin.

Although I had my heart set on raising some Ameraucana chicks (again, one of my top favorite breeds), I will try again within the next few weeks or so.

Strange, that the bantams hatched but none of the Ameraucana. Oh well.

Yeah, the Ayam Cemani eggs were very expensive! I didn't actually buy them, my boyfriend did (and is very excited about them), but I am VERY NERVOUS about the whole thing. >_>

Even more so... because they will be going into lockdown tonight or tomorrow morning, and then I will be away visiting family for a night over Christmas.

I understand about the Ebay egg addiction, because I totally have one now. Granted, I always just stick to the "good" deals (as good as you can get with the prices of shipped fertile eggs),

There's a breeder nearby that sells Ameraucana bantams. I am thinking about buying some hatching eggs... I think it'd be funny to raise up a little Ameraucana bantam cockerel for my six plump Olive-Egger ladies. =P
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Arrgh that sucks but at the same time thats really good news about the bantams, I love Silver-laced Cochins there such pretty birds, I would love some one day. Are you going to keep the bantams? Im soo jealous!
Sorry to hear the Ameracaunas didn't make it Marie, that's a total bummer, especially when the bantams did. Although aren't bantams supposed to hatch earlier than bigger breeds? Sure the others have all quit?

So you are in lockdown now on those crazy black birds?! Ours went in last night (almost 24 hours ago now) so fingers are crossed for some Friday night or Saturday hatching action.
Although I am really nervous about them, these are the first eggs I've paid for so the worry factor is much higher!

How expensive are shipped eggs over there? I'm just interested to compare to over here, we basically pay about $30-$150A (about $25-$145US) per dozen depending on breed, and then roughly another $20US per dozen postage - is that about the same as the US? Or the UK Jack?
In UK I pay GBP 1 per egg from normal strains, GBP 2 per egg from show winning strains, but you need to look around to get those prices. Shipping is usually GBP 6 or so. That comes to USD 20-40 per dozen eggs + USD 10 for shipping. It's possible to pay a lot more if you buy the first ones that you come across.

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