January Molt ??

The only thing my husband noticed today was her comb and waddle aren't as deep bright red as they were....... is that part of molting also?
The only thing my husband noticed today was her comb and waddle aren't as deep bright red as they were....... is that part of molting also?

I don't remember if my hens would loose a bit of color in their combs or wattles. I can see it being a possibility. I know that the comb and wattle won't be as red when the hen stops laying, on average hens stop laying when they are about 3-5 years depending on breed and other factors.
hmmmmm well I know during molting they won't lay which with what your saying would make it true if not laying color may shift....interesting out of 8 hens I am getting 2- 4 eggs a day yesterday only 1 but I know this isn't unusual for this time of year and I am using no additional light. It is snowing like crazy here, I just went out to lock them in for night and the only one in the coop roosting was my bardrock the one loosing feathers, I had to coax the others inside silly girls!!
The only thing my husband noticed today was her comb and waddle aren't as deep bright red as they were....... is that part of molting also?

Yes - when a hen is not in producitno (ie molting - or when broody, etc) her comb and wattles will often lose color and luster....this is why comb/wattle color and condition are among the points to consider when assessing a group of hens for who is/isn't in production.
THANK YOU very much I have been heart broken thinking she is getting picked on and I am missing it somehow! Told my husband I was bringing her in the house lol .....makes me feel better to hear what you all say the coloring, look of new feathers, etc...we knew she wasnot laying I know who's eggs are whos lol Just none of our hens molted being so young guess this one wanted to anyway on her terms!! You are all so helpful ! Thanks for making this momma feel better
THANK YOU very much I have been heart broken thinking she is getting picked on and I am missing it somehow! Told my husband I was bringing her in the house lol .....makes me feel better to hear what you all say the coloring, look of new feathers, etc...we knew she wasnot laying I know who's eggs are whos lol Just none of our hens molted being so young guess this one wanted to anyway on her terms!! You are all so helpful ! Thanks for making this momma feel better

Your welcome!

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I have that same thing happening to my Rhode Island Red hen she is loosing feathers in around her neck and I know no one is pulling out feathers out of her she is the second highest chicken in the pecking order

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