Japanese Bantam Thread!

I'm sorry for the confusion given from that topic on Genetics. What it was saying is that there is a lethal (deadly) gene in which 25% of the eggs laid by each hen will contain 2 of these genes which kill the embryo or unborn chick.
I'm sorry for the confusion given from that topic on Genetics. What it was saying is that there is a lethal (deadly) gene in which 25% of the eggs laid by each hen will contain 2 of these genes which kill the embryo or unborn chick.

its fine! its always good to know about the breed your hatching. thankfully bot of my Japanese hatched out just fine, and they seem to have no problems! im so excited for their parents! I may sell eggs.....
this hen looks a bit older than your young one. I have to say it is a black tailed white Japanese bantam roo. I thought my Cadbury was a hen. since he was the only jap that hatched, I thought it was a hen because of no comparison. japs a re beautiful. I hope you can still keep him if he starts crowing.

looks like you have a roo. this was my roo, Cadbury when he was around your age of your roo.
here is my roo now:

Cadbury is gorgeous!
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HE is a pretty boy.

He's probably about a t 7 to 8 weeks old cockerel. The Comb and Wattle growth is the tell tale sign. Pullets usually don't show much growth in those areas until they become fairly old.

After blowing up the pic of the rock wall, all I can say is he has matured. In that pic, his comb doesn't conform to a true white Japanese BT cockerel.
In the red dish pic, he appears to be 3 to 4 weeks old.

If the hens are ready to accept him, (calm and patient), he will eventually figure out a technique.

The hen in this pic is likely older than your Tiki. My BTW hen is 10 months old and her comb is no where near that size. In fact, its smaller than your cockerel. My roo on the other hand, had a comb much faster than his girlfriend and they are the same age. You will know in time for sure, he will either crow or she will lay an egg :)

Thank you all for your input and responses. I am VERY VERY (VERY!) excited to announce that our Tiki is DEFINITELY not a rooster! I found two little eggs in random places in our yard during the past week or so, but even then I thought MAYBE they had been kicked out of dove nests or something. So the last couple of days I have been keeping her inside during the day (this is where she sleeps at night right now) when we weren't actively watching her. And today….. :D *does a happy dance* I love this chicken SO MUCH!!! So even if she had ended up being a rooster she was going to be staying. This just makes it so very much easier! <3

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Hi, I am unfamiliar with the breed. I have a few questions:
What is the average size, weight?
What is the most common color to come by?
On a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the rarest, how rare is the breed in the u.s.?
Hi everybody,

Does anyone know where I can get Japanesee bantams? I live in California, in a neighborhood where roosters aren't allowe. Therefore, my chickens would have to be sexed, and very few people sell sexed chickens. I am not picky when it comes to color, and like all of them. I do want a show quality bird though, or at least one that's colors are recognized. I'd like my birds to be no more than a few days old, if possible. I want two or three birds, I haven't decided how many yet. Can anyone help me?

Thank you,
The easiest way for me was to order 10 from the hatchery. It is a joy to raise baby chicks from 3 days of age. The hatchery gets your order, and ships the chicks the day after they hatch. They are expedited to your local post office within 2 days. The post office will call you from 7 to 8 a.m. to come and pick up your chicks. U usually get one extra chick in case one dies in shipment. I ended up with 3 pullets, and seven cockerels. I gave away all but 2 cockerels. Mine are now 11 months old come the 20th of this month. As they grow, you can choose your favorites to raise for showing. After maturity they continue to put on more beautiful feathers. You'll be amazed. p.s. Hatcheries will often sell mixed varieties of Japanese Bantams at a discount .

Hello im wondering if i breed a white Japanese roo to a black tailed white Japanese hen will i get black tailed white offspring or both color varietys
I set some eggs from a purebred BT Roo X mixed BT Hen. Got all WT chicks. Even though the hen's appearance was that of a beautiful White BT, her genes dominated the outcome.

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