Japanese Bantam Thread!

That's because of the lethality of the double creeper (short leg) gene, that's where the 25% don't hatch thing comes in. I'd not heard about fertility problems but it makes sense. I think I'd rather have a long legged roo and short legged hens, but I believe I've got all shorties except for one of the girls, maybe 2.
I just have them because I enjoy them. The idea I wouldn't be able to hatch well is sad, and I have some eggs under a broody.... but I don't care if they are typy at all. I usually only show or mess with my silkies because I understand their genes better after a couple years of research and trying. My Japs are brand new to me so I'm just starting to learn.
I as a matter of fact just hatched 3 out of 6 eggs - they are my friends - he got his stock from a breeder at the Ohio nationals a few years ago and another hen at a show this year- the hens are extremely short legged and the Roo is somewhere in the middle. Whenever his hens go broody they all seem to hatch despite of the lethal subject. I have to say these lil ones it is hard to tell if they are standing or sitting down! My only thing is i of course bought a nice new chick feeder the smallest i could find and they are not even half the height! For now i am sprinkling their crumble on paper towels - any advice on what to feed on till they are big enough fior the feeder?
If he has short legged hens and a long legged rooster there wouldn't be a problem with the lethal creeper gene. That only comes into play when breeding 2 short legged birds together.
Hi everyone. Im new on this site. I've raised japs years ago, and Im starting to raise them again. In the past I had a lot of old breeders around. They told me the male does not get fertile till he gets 12-14 hours of light a day. Just like the hens need the light to start laying.
Also they said it would help to trim the hens tails. It helps the males do there jobs, especially the real short legged males.
I dont know if this helps. You would not want to do this to your hens or pullets you plan on showing.
Hello all - i have the three little Lollipop kids - as i cal lthem - Japanese chicks at home -they are almost a week old and i have them in their brooder on paper towels and shelf liner. Was just curious as to if anyone that broods these - puts them in pine shavings? Bought that as well but they seem so little for that and i worry that may not be the best till they are older? Jsut curious and looking for what you all do!? Thanks!
We have chicks!!!

We ended up hatching out 2 Japanese bantams (father is Black tailed white, the hens are grey), we also ended up hatching out 2 silkies... one white, one grey.

Very lucky hatch of 100%!

I'm happy to say, the JB hens have the wrong color legs, but both chicks got the correct coloring from their dad.

AAWWW! so cute! awesome hatch rate!

We have a broody hen! We are so excited, we didn't even know they had started laying yet. How many is a good amount of eggs for a jap to sit on? there where so many in her nest I had to take out a bunch she wasn't sitting on and they all had veins, so they all had been set on at some point. I hope what she has now are developing ok. I candled them and saw some progress but not sure if that was from her moving back and forth. The problem is the others continue to lay in her nest so we are having to check everyday for extra eggs (we marked the others) I just hope she doesn't kick any she is on out to take on a new egg, which I think is what has been going on. any suggestions??

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