Japanese Bantam Thread!

Straight buff is, I believe a new color, and chances are the other colors are the remnants of what was used to create it. While your chickens are buff, they are still carrying other color genes.

And a big congratulations to sunket and outback on their hatches. Mine are still coming one or two at a time.
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Straight buff is, I believe a new color, and chances are the other colors are the remnants of what was used to create it. While your chickens are buff, they are still carrying other color genes.

And a big congratulations to sunket and outback on their hatches. Mine are still coming one or two at a time.

Ok Thanks!! That helps to understand. They are really pretty, but just don't look much like the parents. We have been over-run with these bantams and having nearly 100% hatches every time. I have 4 more in the bator who look to be right on schedule. I do need to find some shorter legs to add to my group though. They aren't SQ at this point. But very sweet birds that we really love. The hen taught my DH that if you hold a bag of mealworms, she will fly up and land on your arm for the treats. So darn cute, we had to stop because the poop was getting extra gross with too many mealworms.
She now has a limit.
I got this little banty today. I am being told it is a Japanese. Can anyone show what it will look like as a grownup?


thanks on the congrats! we are proud
our little JB flock is doing well at shows and my daughter used one of our hens for showmanship, they are so docile! The roosters have never looked twice at us. I was giving away a breeding pair at the last show and a JUDGE wanted them. The hen was long leg and the roo had a wrinkled wattle and odd feathers on his neck (although he had not yet had his first molt) he said he knew they would hatch good chicks
it was encouraging b/c it was two we hatched and raised ourselves.

Kirkoop.... I am not sure my guess would be maybe mottled? I am mostly familiar with the black and they look like little penguins like the pictures I took in the previous post. If you know what hatchery it came from it's a lot easier to narrow down what the color might be, I always check the hatchery websites b/c they will show what colors they carry. What ever it is it sure is a cute one!
Here are some pics of my BTB's that hatched out yesterday 10 out of 12.
They are mixed in with their hatch mates 4 Welummers.
sorry the pics aren't that good but they're just a little people shy right now.
I candled the other 2 eggs nothing going on in them.

Here is my little BTW japanese at 3 weeks!

I knew he was a boy at only one week! Is this normal for Japanese? This is my first one and he has a lot of character! Just wanted to show him off to all of you!

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