Japanese Bantam Thread!

I didn't even know this thread existed...

But I'm glad I've found it!

Does anyone have birds this color?


Or Mille Fleur?
LOL I thought those were yours HAHA...

well right now we have black mottled, black tailed buff.- breeding pairs in these colors
white- missing a hen, black tailed white - these are missing a roo

newest stock-
blue, splash ( i think), frizzle... hope to incorporate these into the breeding flock soon.

got some white, and btw hatching eggs coming.... so hope to get something to match what we have now.

would love barred, and all other colors of japs. hehehe.... need a way bigger barn....

already talking with hubby about using next years tax return for chicken coops.
An experimental color I'm working on......................................................chrisf
Not sure yet, but hoping for a Shojo, otherwise know as Ginger....I have two like her and their brother turned out to be a silver Shojo/Ginger.................................................................chrisf
This is my Barred cockerel, starting to look like a little man...........................................................chrisf

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