Java Thread

Well I got seven BJs out of my last two hatches. Every BJ egg I tried to hatch DID hatch; no fertility issues even with my Malcolm getting to be a "mature" adult. Another great thing about BJs...maintain their vitality and vigor longer in the middle of their lives. I hatched a couple of pullet babies in this group as well, from one of my girls who is looking REALLY good, but is only 8 months old and whose eggs are still growing bigger. Very pleased with this Spring's efforts on the Java front!
Monte has told me that the BJ Cock will not be mature & totally "filled out" until he is 2 years old.
He will be viable at 6 mo, but not "mature" until at least 2 years.
How old is Malcolm now ?
Yes Ma'am, you two were awesome and my incubator is FULL! You are so amazing. I opened the package and my eyes popped out of my head. "23" eggs girl I could just hug you! Once you are settled with your move and if you decide you want to work the auburn project again you just let me know and I'll get you the hook-up.
I can't thank you and Chickie Lady enough for all the efforts you put forth to help me. Go Go Team Terrific!
So, you let us know what happens !

So has anybody seen anything like this before? This is a Mottled Java. At least his parents were. He is approx 3 months old - I have had him about month. In the last week or two, he has started having this gold accenting coming up on his feathers. As the photo shows, it is most noticeable on his neck, but he does have a few spots on his back. At first it was just a few, and I thought he was getting some white mottling like a Mottled Java should have and that the white spots were just dirty. But then they became more numerous and I couldn't wipe off the "dirt".

His eyes are light brown, but as the photo shows, he does have some red/brown to his eye coloring also. The photo makes his feet look more pink than they really are - they are more of a light yellowy-pink mix.

Didn't know if anyone else had seen this come up. I know there are the Auburn Javas out there, but I thought that the Auburn coloring only popped up in Black Javas. Anybody have thoughts as to why this Mottled Java is showing black (with a few white wing feathers) and gold on him?

So has anybody seen anything like this before? This is a Mottled Java. At least his parents were. He is approx 3 months old - I have had him about month. In the last week or two, he has started having this gold accenting coming up on his feathers. As the photo shows, it is most noticeable on his neck, but he does have a few spots on his back. At first it was just a few, and I thought he was getting some white mottling like a Mottled Java should have and that the white spots were just dirty. But then they became more numerous and I couldn't wipe off the "dirt".

His eyes are light brown, but as the photo shows, he does have some red/brown to his eye coloring also. The photo makes his feet look more pink than they really are - they are more of a light yellowy-pink mix.

Didn't know if anyone else had seen this come up. I know there are the Auburn Javas out there, but I thought that the Auburn coloring only popped up in Black Javas. Anybody have thoughts as to why this Mottled Java is showing black (with a few white wing feathers) and gold on him?
where did you get your parents from?? I ask because I got my first birds from a hatchery in NM and they are black carrying the mottle gene in them. and last year I got a male mottle roo that I had hatch from my birds and he was carrying the auburn color in him. he died before I could breed him.
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I have a couple questions if someone can answer for me. I have black javas and also an Auburn Java Roo. If I use the auburn roo.. what do I call the chicks? Are they "mixed Javas"? Or is a Java a Java and it doesn't matter the color.
where did you get your parents from?? I ask because I got my first birds from a hatchery in NM and they are black carrying the mottle gene in them. and last year I got a male mottle roo that I had hatch from my birds and he was carrying the auburn color in him. he died before I could breed him.
This guy game from a lady here in TX that is raising mottleds.

Ruth Caron
Farmer In The Martindale
Martindale, TX
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Her mottleds are Urch bloodlines. This guy was a freebie when I went to pick up chicks. The parents are obviously mottled - the father actually won first place in a show here in TX last year - even though he has some white tail feathers. I hear that is is nearly impossible to breed for a tail without full white feathers showing up in it.

What was weird was that out of 12 chicks - one was yellow, not yellow with black spots like mottleds are. It was a runt and died. I also got 3 "teenage" freebies - 2 were obviously mottled and one was yellow fluff with small wing feathers. It died earlier this week - it was a runt and was very tiny - tinier than the smallest mottles I have - even though it was 2 weeks older than the chicks. It's wings never really developed and it wasn't feathering. The whites come out with yellow fluff - I am wondering if there is some kind of lethal gene with the whites that cause stunted development and death and that these two yellow fluffballs were actually going to be white javas if they lived.

Not sure what is up with my black and gold young man. I noticed more gold on his back this morning when I took him to the run. I've got some black javas coming soon. Decided to get some blacks so I can see what is going to come up with them and see if any blacks exhibit some auburn that I could try to breed with my current boy.

Cedar Creek Farm & Hatchery in MI is all out of mottled javas this year. I believe theirs also come from Duane Urch's bloodline. Here is another contact you might try for mottleds:

Michael Walkup
Walkup Heritage Farm & Gardens
Crystal Lake, IL
815-477-8978, 815-459-7090
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I have a couple questions if someone can answer for me. I have black javas and also an Auburn Java Roo. If I use the auburn roo.. what do I call the chicks? Are they "mixed Javas"? Or is a Java a Java and it doesn't matter the color.
As far as I am aware, a Java is a Java. However not all Javas will meet the Standard of Perfection description set forth by the APA. Blacks and Mottleds are the only ones recognized by the APA. So I would say that whatever is the dominant feather color is what you'd call them, knowing that they may not meet the SOP for their feather color with those Auburn genes and that Whites and Auburns aren't officially recognized anyway. I'd like to see what the Blue Javas look like that were hatched recently.

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