Java Thread






I have Black Javas birds came from a closed flock straight from Garfield Farm. A few of them have some auburn bits on their faces and heads at hatch. One born yesterday has a LOT of auburn on face. The ones that have had this are generally VERY dark all over with more like gray where I expect white/yellow to be. Dark tops of feet too. My birds are in a 10 ft pen and never mix with any other birds--zero chance there is any other blood in there.

The pics mostly show the new baby with so much auburn, and the bigger baby with just a bit. Now, some of the birds in the brooder box are NOT BJs so don't worry about them not looking right :)

This is new to me because when I raised BJs in the past they were from a LONGTIME (like decades) closed flock of birds from poultry judge John Tunstall. I never, ever, in hatching out hundred of BJS from that line, encountered any auburn bits on birds.

Your thoughts?
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Sometimes I will get an occasional auburn or gold hackle feather in my Urch line of black javas. Have not had auburn show up in a chick.

I haven't had to deal with that much black in the soles either. There must be a way to counterbalance it. I'm wondering if you could rein it in by pairing that bird with a bird with lighter undercolor? Not sure why I think that might work, except my gut says there may be some additional melanin enhancer at work that a bird with lighter undercolor might not have.

It will be interesting to see how they grow out. Keep us posted.
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