Jennifer Aniston built my chicken coop!!

Where in Ga are they filming? Savannah gets the occaisional movie filmed here. The Miley Cyrus movie last summer, and a Robert Redford (directed by) movie recently... Dang, maybe I ought to find out where they are dumping their leftovers afterward... I see a whole chicken village in my future...
Too funny!

Maybe when the movie is out you'll see parts of your coop!
A fair number of movies have been filmed here, locally, and usually the only way that I know, is that I see bright, fluorescent posterboards with the hand-lettered word "CREW" on them with an arrow pointing to the location.
You made a really good find. I haven't ever seen torn apart sets left behind, but often they use local buildings that have been lightly retrofitted. Good job recycling!
It is in Lawrenceville. I am beginning to wonder if it is worth a trip down to Conyers where they are always filming the vampire diaries. If hollywood wants to throw out wood - I am there!!

We have so much wood left over we are going to build a milking platform for our goats and a few goat shelters for the pasture.

While we were "dumpster diving" for the wood one of the teardown crew members came outside for a smoke break and he told us to come back in 2 weeks if we want more because they will be done with another set by then and again in about 2 months when the whole thing wraps up there will be "f&%king truckloads" of wood thrown out (his words, not mine).
As for naming the coop after Jennifer Aniston......well, lets just say I am a die hard "Team Jolie" member all the way!!

me too
Photos will come soon - I want to wait until the siding is on so it doesn't look so "unfinished". Should be done this weekend

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