Jennifer Aniston built my chicken coop!!

Free stuff is always good.
My friend was working on the Twilight New Moon set in Vancouver and he brought home all sorts of recycled material for his wife's coop. He got more stuff from the Eclipse set too.
She wants to call it the Cullen Coop
Okay ya can't just say something like that with no pics?!?!!?
NICE find! That wasn't a very 'green' thing for Hollywood to do now was it? Good for you though!
Here I was picturing her with a nail gun. That's awesome! I can't believe they would just throw everything out like that.

I was shocked to see all that they threw away. There were "walls" (just plywood & 2X4s) that were so big we didn't have a way to take them home so we left them - all 100 or so.

We stopped getting wood after our 7x14 foot trailer was full to the brim and it didn't even put a dent in what was thrown out. I started thinking about all the movies that are made - is this normal?? If so, what a waste!!!

In response to those calling me "lucky" - thank you, I feel the same way - what a find!! Especially since there is not much that happens in Georgia. I don't even think people know there is a movie being filmed here - there is no one around at all. My husband (and his co-workers) are aware of it only because the film crew brought in this huge bus that was painted "hippie like" with peace signs and such all over it. It made them start asking some questions. It turns out they had been filming there for almost a month prior to that! Now it is a little more obvious because there are lots of tour bus looking trailers parked there - but still it is in the back of a warehouse style business park so......unless you are "in the know" you wouldn't have a clue.

I will post coop pictures soon - we still have to put on the siding (right now it is a work in progress).

I was thinking about naming the coop after the movie but I have no idea what the title is. I guess I will have to wait and see. Hopefully it won't be called something dumb. (Be on the lookout for a Jennifer Aniston movie with a hippie bus in it.) As for naming the coop after Jennifer Aniston......well, lets just say I am a die hard "Team Jolie" member all the way!!

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