Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Kathy, I hate it when you can't tell! I will say it does not look like a roo at this point.

I found my top roo. When the group comes for treats, he stops eating, and waits till they're finished. Sign of a good roo.
Kathy, they are a delightful bunch, never had such friendly little monsters. I can pick anyone up for a snuggle, no one picks on them since they moved in to the main coop, and feel quite at home with the other chickens. Even my hubby is thrilled that they come running to him too.
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Kathy - he is SO darn tall, I just can't see him being a pullet. I have got to get pics of my juvies, but none of my juvie pullets from that line have NEAR that large of a comb or wattles. Plus, your blue is looking more masculine in the head & neck to me that it was before...gosh, I'm still on the fence, but now teetering toward cockerel!
Maybe that is why I thought the legs weren't so "thick?" Well, either way, I will sure keep it! I LOVE big birds!
I know! I adore huge chickens! When I got my hatching eggs from Bobbi Porto, and let a friend of mine know in FL (where Bobbi's farm is), my friend e-mailed me back & stated, "Bobbi's stock is amazing & huge! They look more like turkeys than chickens!" It was the most exciting hatch I did in 2010!
Well if that is the case I may have to get some of her eggs! My entire breeding program is going to be to increase size, egg production, and beauty of the Giants with out their health suffering! especially the Blues! I love the Blue the most!!! I would love to see a 4 foot chicken! (tall that is) LOL Of course i'm strange too I would love to see a Bantam Giant! hahahahaha

Beautiful birds! Congrats to all!

God Bless!
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I've got a heck of a monster black cockerel out of my Bobbi Porto egg hatch - he's huge and super sweet, but his comb is not right. Sigh. I'm still contemplating keeping him.....the blacks on the blues make awesome lacing on the blue babies.
Sorry Kathy, I would say Boy on him too.........
My girls never have the "droopy" saddle feathers. I tend to get those on my boys as a precursor to the shiny feathers..........

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