Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

I have seen the yellow go up the leg. (ALL the Sandhills birds I had were culled for this last year). I cull for this, as the standard calls for the yellow to be only on the underpart of the feet. I asked a judge about this. Now I forgot what he said.

Kathy, it's a good question - I'll shoot a PM to fowlman and see if he can pop in real quick & speak to this. My splashes yellow does go up the back of their legs...I wonder if this would be a fault?

I agree with you on the width of back. I also feel it tends to go along with a larger bird...larger = wider in most cases (?) at least from what I have seen. Not that I have seen a long, tall, NARROW backed bird. I cull for this as well.

Carolynspeeps - if it's anything like horses, I 100% would agree to what you are saying about known good breeders breeding larger, and then that becoming accepted as standard. I have seen scales at shows but haven't actually seen any birds weighed, though they don't allow spectators past a certain point when the judging is going on so you can't see a ton (at least in the shows I've been to).

The yellow should only be on the bottom of the feet. If it goes up the leg then it becomes a foreign color and will be DQ'd in a show. Any pictures of this?

Birds are never weighed at poultry shows. If a judge weighs one bird he would have to weigh every bird in the show to be fair. Judges generally have a good idea about how much the bird in their hand weighs though. I have never seen a bird DQ'd for being overweight....especially a large bird like a Giant. Good ones are probably overweight. Chicken weights have always been a subject for argument. I have found over the years that physical size does not always go along with heavy weight. I have picked up old bantams that have become so dense that they look light but in the hand feel like a lead weight.

Well, gosh, I really don't see any yellow on the bottoms of their feet. Maybe it will come in soon?

My thoughts exactly. Luckily, I was not planning on showing, and breeding is out of the question. Learning along the way. Now I know about more recommending this breeder.
THANKS Aspen! I was hoping the splash was a pullet too! I have really fallen for these birds.

You're welcome 'Hun.

My JGs are sweet chickens. I have a Splash hen, Elizabeth (but Lizzy for short), I hatched one of her eggs and it turned out to be a Splash JG mix rooster. Sweetest chicky alive! He will jump in my lap for cuddles and loves to sit on my shoulder.
Enjoy them birds!

~ Aspen

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