Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

I'm still not sure what is what in my birds.

Every time I'm convinced, something else pops up that makes me doubt.

I've got two birds sold to me as JG, and they are large, especially the cockerel. They're 9 weeks now.. I also have two 8 week old Australorps (or supposed Australorps) and they're rather small and some not even fully feathered yet, but then again, some of my older 'RIR' (more like.. production) are still working on feathering their head. Neither have obviously yellow feet, although I am starting to think the Aussies have a yellow tinge to them, it's hard to say in Alabama red clay, gotta wash me some bird feet and find out!

The older ones have a gorgeous green sheen to them.. so more and more I think they're Australorps X_x And here I've been going on and on about how wonderful my JG's are.

Luckily, one of the younger birds is very, very docile and pesters me to hold her (him? I don't know x_x) Their feathers are more of a flat black.

That alone is enough reason for me to get birds from a reputable breeder next time, I like to know what's what!

Tomorrow it shouldn't be raining and I will take a picture of all of them, I'd love some opinions.

Here are my six week old White Jersey Giants.
I think I have three roos and two hens, and then there is one I'm not sure on. I sure do love these guys! They are so friendly and calm, they run up to sit in my lap when I go in the coop to see them. I think they're so pretty to! I want some blue or splash Jersey's too, hopefully next year... along with the Salmon Faverolles, Heritage Rhode Island Reds, and Buff Orpingtons that I want next year... Darn.

Also, I'm thinking of keeping one of my roosters, so I was wondering if anyone had any particular input on Jersey Giant roosters? I know each on is different, but I'm thinking overall?
Also, I'm thinking of keeping one of my roosters, so I was wondering if anyone had any particular input on Jersey Giant roosters? I know each on is different, but I'm thinking overall?

Overall my very favorite thing about my 3 BJG roos is that I can trust them not to bother my 4 yr old grandson when he is sitting on the ground playing with the broody and her chicks. They are my free range boys and protect all their girls, but are great with people.
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What do the judges look for at a show? The only thing I have noticed to disqualify a bird would be the hens backs without feathers being "ridden" by the roos. I priced some Austrlorps online to find some to replace mine. They were show birds at $75.00 a pair and $125.00 shipping! My chickens were beautiful and I think could have won any prize. but maybe not---
First show of the season is tomorrow............
Cant wait Austin is taking 3 JG (1 K, 1 P, and 1 H) all black.
Austin named his cockerels ( roosters less than a yr old ) Kevin and Evan. Well Kevin has some frost bite damage on one of his points on the comb so I talked Austin into taking Evan.
Well Evan is Evil. Evan has ran all the time with the breeding flock and has never been held except for maintenance. Kevin gets held quite often. Any way I wish I would have had a video of Austin and I giving this cockerel a bath last weekend and Austin holding/messing with him every evening.
Ah the fun family time showing poultry...wouldn't change it for the world!!!!

up date poultry show

Evan (Black Jersey Giant cockerel) won Res American. Best of Breed,
The judge put his arm around Austin and Said "this cockerel is just a pup take him home put him in a 5'x5' pen and he will take you far in the show arena." Then he (judge) looked up a me and ask where Austin got this bird. I said we hatched him. Ok what line is he from I said Robert Vaughn. "Enough said" said the judge. "Out of all these bird here I would take this cockerel home in a heart beat."said the judge to Austin.

So we are supper excited to see how far Evan will go. He is home in a pen by himself.

I hope after many yrs in Exibition Poultry that a Judge would say "enough said" when talking bout our line
up date poultry show

Evan (Black Jersey Giant cockerel) won Res American. Best of Breed,
The judge put his arm around Austin and Said "this cockerel is just a pup take him home put him in a 5'x5' pen and he will take you far in the show arena." Then he (judge) looked up a me and ask where Austin got this bird. I said we hatched him. Ok what line is he from I said Robert Vaughn. "Enough said" said the judge. "Out of all these bird here I would take this cockerel home in a heart beat."said the judge to Austin.

So we are supper excited to see how far Evan will go. He is home in a pen by himself.

I hope after many yrs in Exibition Poultry that a Judge would say "enough said" when talking bout our line
FANTASTIC! Bob's been breeding them for probably 50+ years, so most definitely, his reputaiton is renowned for Giants. ESPECIALLY here in the Midwest! Way to go, Austin!
up date poultry show

Evan (Black Jersey Giant cockerel) won Res American. Best of Breed,
The judge put his arm around Austin and Said "this cockerel is just a pup take him home put him in a 5'x5' pen and he will take you far in the show arena." Then he (judge) looked up a me and ask where Austin got this bird. I said we hatched him. Ok what line is he from I said Robert Vaughn. "Enough said" said the judge. "Out of all these bird here I would take this cockerel home in a heart beat."said the judge to Austin.

So we are supper excited to see how far Evan will go. He is home in a pen by himself.

I hope after many yrs in Exibition Poultry that a Judge would say "enough said" when talking bout our line
up date poultry show

Evan (Black Jersey Giant cockerel) won Res American. Best of Breed,
The judge put his arm around Austin and Said "this cockerel is just a pup take him home put him in a 5'x5' pen and he will take you far in the show arena." Then he (judge) looked up a me and ask where Austin got this bird. I said we hatched him. Ok what line is he from I said Robert Vaughn. "Enough said" said the judge. "Out of all these bird here I would take this cockerel home in a heart beat."said the judge to Austin.

So we are supper excited to see how far Evan will go. He is home in a pen by himself.

I hope after many yrs in Exibition Poultry that a Judge would say "enough said" when talking bout our line

Oh I bet he was beaming with pride! What a wonderful judge to be so encouraging too! It's so important to encourage these things, too many kids that don't even know nuggets come from an animal.

Everything happens for a reason. Evan was meant to go to that show ^^
Oh I bet he was beaming with pride! What a wonderful judge to be so encouraging too! It's so important to encourage these things, too many kids that don't even know nuggets come from an animal.

Everything happens for a reason. Evan was meant to go to that show ^^
Holy cow....okay, I admit it - it took me a second on the underlined part. You are SO SO right!

What irks me is the folks with really good stock often are not keen on sharing...and then the other end of the spectrum, those who have CRAPPY stock will advertise "pet quality" and charge an arm & a leg for it! Grrr....

Folks, please, please be careful when ordering stock. Do your research, ask questions, private message some of the folks you see posting regularly on this thread. I have seen so many folks get ripped off lately, it just makes my stomach turn!
By the way, I washed some chicken feet today. I have confirmed it, my JG's are Australorps and my Australorps are JG's, thanks Tractor Supply
It's all good. They're nice birds, not too screwed up compared to my other sad excuses for chickens I've gotten from them. Hey, we all gotta start somewhere.

These are my first personal birds.

Sooo... this is likely an AUSTRALORP, haha. I feel silly, gushing about him before. He's still pretty. LOL

His lady friend.

Baby, an actual JG, her feet are yellow.

And the whole group.. I know they're a far cry from the gorgeous birds shown here, but I'd rather screw up learning to care for them on a $2.99 mutt than a invaluable breeder.

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