Juice cleanse

My birds also enjoy the pulp
If your juicer is broken, check thrift stores or Craigslist. I see juicers in every Goodwill I visit it seems!
My omega has always dripped just a tiny bit, so I keep a towel under it on the counter. I do love juicing & really need to do more of it.
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I just finished reading this whole thread and I love it, I started juicing a few weeks ago and I love the burst of energy I get from the juice! Amazing. Thanks for all the great recipes, I love the burger and cracker ideas I hate wasting the pulp. I tried giving it to my chickens and only one liked it and she acted sick after eating it so I don't give her anymore.
Happy juicing everyone!
I just finished reading this whole thread and I love it, I started juicing a few weeks ago and I love the burst of energy I get from the juice! Amazing. Thanks for all the great recipes, I love the burger and cracker ideas I hate wasting the pulp. I tried giving it to my chickens and only one liked it and she acted sick after eating it so I don't give her anymore. 
Happy juicing everyone! :yiipchick

Welcome to thread. I love juicing as well. I also tried to feed the pulp to my chickens when I first started juicing and every one of them walked away. They didn't touch it. I was like, "OH NO, you all will not waste this pulp." So, I had to find something to do with it.

I started the Master Cleanse yesterday. We'll see how that goes. :/
I have seen the movie and was impressed with it. I never really gave this a lot of thought for me to do because i have so many food allergies, I do not want to acquire anymore, but, the more I read about adrenal fatigue the more I think this may help the food allergies. Now the chemical sensitivities are making my life impossible. Every element in the seventh family on the periodic table causes me misery. Fluoride tooth paste is out, chlorine bleach is out. TAP WATER is out. iodine is out.

I did not read all of the posts, and apologize if you all have already discussed this, but do any of you have adrenal fatigue, and has this helped? I have to do something. My weight is not really an issue, but the pushing myself through each day and collapsing on the couch as soon as I make it in the door from work has got to end. I have a nursery and it is hard work. I can not endure the idea of house cleaning. I have a very sympathetic husband who keeps the kitchen tidy and the dog hair swept up, or I just do not know what I would do.
I keep thinking that I can not afford an endocrinologist, maybe this would be the cheaper route to go. I guess I am tired of treating symptoms and going to doctors. It is expensive and hasn't really worked yet.
Any experience in adrenal fatigue?
Welcome to thread. I love juicing as well. I also tried to feed the pulp to my chickens when I first started juicing and every one of them walked away. They didn't touch it. I was like, "OH NO, you all will not waste this pulp." So, I had to find something to do with it.

I started the Master Cleanse yesterday. We'll see how that goes.
Thanks Kuntrygirl! This morning I juiced a beet with top greens, tomatoes, carrots, celery, hand full of Kale and half a bell pepper. It made two large glasses full and I drank it all, so good! I also add a little salt. I used Kirkland pure sea salt. I read in the juice ladys book celtic salt is the best so I'll but that next time. I went to Costco and got a lot of stuff in bulk to juice and they had a lot of organic stuff which I was really happy to fine. I got a huge bag of baby kale and its organic. The celery I got wasnt organic but I find the organic isnt very good in organic its punky. I know its on the dirty dozen list though. Good luck with the Master Cleanse!
Beets? Mmmmmmmmmm. Beets are one of my favorite juices of all time. I love beet juice.

I love Kale but my cheap juicer (GE) won't do Kale too good. I'm saving for a $230.00 Omega Juicer.

As far as the Master Cleanse. As of 12:00 PM today, I'm done with it. I don't like it. :sick

It's back to healthy juicing. :drool
I have seen the movie and was impressed with it. I never really gave this a lot of thought for me to do because i have so many food allergies, I do not want to acquire anymore, but, the more I read about adrenal fatigue the more I think this may help the food allergies. Now the chemical sensitivities are making my life impossible. Every element in the seventh family on the periodic table causes me misery. Fluoride tooth paste is out, chlorine bleach is out. TAP WATER is out. iodine is out.

I did not read all of the posts, and apologize if you all have already discussed this, but do any of you have adrenal fatigue, and has this helped? I have to do something. My weight is not really an issue, but the pushing myself through each day and collapsing on the couch as soon as I make it in the door from work has got to end. I have a nursery and it is hard work. I can not endure the idea of house cleaning. I have a very sympathetic husband who keeps the kitchen tidy and the dog hair swept up, or I just do not know what I would do.
I keep thinking that I can not afford an endocrinologist, maybe this would be the cheaper route to go. I guess I am tired of treating symptoms and going to doctors. It is expensive and hasn't really worked yet.
Any experience in adrenal fatigue?
Hi 3goodeggs
I just read the juice ladys Turbo Diet and it had some good information on that. here is some of what she said
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disabling illness that causes extreme exhaustion, muscle pain, sleep disturbances, cognitive difficulties, and hormonal deficiencies and imbalances. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes widespread muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, cognitive diffficulties ("fibro fog"), stiffness, and headaches. People with these conditions gain weight due to hormonal imbalances, sleep disturbances, and changes in activity levels. Hormonal imbalances, particularly the hypothyroidism found in CFS patients cause the metabolism to slow down, leading to weight gain. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is often low during the day but can also start pumping out during the night, causing sleep problems in CFS patients, and this can contribute to weight gain. Cortisol causes weight gain especially around the waist and stomach. To improve these conditions, you can do the following: Support your adrenal glands. Most people with fibromyalgis or CFS have exhausted adrenal glands.Studies show its important to normalize blood sugar by eating foods low on the glycemic index; to avoid substances that tax the adrenals, such as caffeine (coffee, black tea, chocolate,soda), alcohol, and sugar; and to include supplements that support the adrenals, such as vitanim C, vitamin B5, enzymes, and pantothenic acid. Eat a low -glycemic diet. The Turbo Diet is ideal for fibromyalgia and CFS sufferers since it is low-glycimic and loaded with nutrients that help the body heal. High-carbohydrate foods should be completely avoided and replaced with lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats such as avocado, extra-virgin olive oil, and virgin coconut oil. Include foods that are rich in magnesium. Low magnesium levels are quite common in CFS and fibromyalgia sufferers. Cleanse your body of toxins. Cleansing is a very important part of correcting these conditions. The Juice Lady suffered from a devastating case of chronic fatigue sudrome that included chronic pain and completely turned her life around through juicing, clensing and totally changing her diet. She has her story and extensive programs for these conditions in the books she wrote. The juice Ladys Guide to juicing for Health and Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life. She recommends that if you suffer from either CFS or fibromyalgis you start a cleansing program as soon as possible. Take two to three talbespoons of virgin coconut oil each day. The medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil provide a quick source of energy and stimulate the metabolism. Plus, the fatty acids in cocomut oil can kill yeasts and viruses.She has received reports from fibromyalgua sufferers who have recovered from this terrible disease and are living pain free after starting on the coconut diet and the addition of fresh juice. anyway I hope this helps, I think you would benifit by reading some of her books. Please keep us posted on your progress.
Beets? Mmmmmmmmmm. Beets are one of my favorite juices of all time. I love beet juice.

I love Kale but my cheap juicer (GE) won't do Kale too good. I'm saving for a $230.00 Omega Juicer.

As far as the Master Cleanse. As of 12:00 PM today, I'm done with it. I don't like it.

It's back to healthy juicing.
I love beet juice too! So good. I have the Jack lalannes juicer it does pretty good but after reading this thread I want to get a omega too. Expensive but sounds like its worth it. Where do you buy them at? I guess I could check Amazon.
I really want to make those crackers you posted out of the bulk! They looks so good! Did you like them?
Note to self don't try master cleanse.
Beets? Mmmmmmmmmm. Beets are one of my favorite juices of all time. I love beet juice.

I love Kale but my cheap juicer (GE) won't do Kale too good. I'm saving for a $230.00 Omega Juicer.

As far as the Master Cleanse. As of 12:00 PM today, I'm done with it. I don't like it. :sick

It's back to healthy juicing. :drool

I love beet juice too! So good. I have the Jack lalannes juicer it does pretty good but after reading this thread I want to get a omega too. Expensive but sounds like its worth it. Where do you buy them at? I guess I could check Amazon. 
I really want to make those crackers you posted out of the bulk! They looks so good! Did you like them? 
Note to self don't try master cleanse. :)

LOL @ don't try master cleanse. :lau

The crackers were delicious !!!! :drool and so was the burger that I made from the pulp. I have since been freezing all pulp and when I want to make a veggie burger, I just take it out and add the other ingredients and put on my George Foreman grill.

You can try amazon or ebay or the links below. They offer a 10 year warranty on many of them.



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