Juice cleanse

Oh yes, the belly pains. I don't even know what that was from but I got past the worse of it. It doesn't really set in until day 2-3 but today they haven't been as bad.

A friend of mine said it's no fun until day 7-ish.

So far we're surviving... after this.. no more butter. Smaller portions, less bread, raw veggies, more whole grains (bought millet and cuscus and a mixed rice) and more nuts (unsalted... blah)... and really giving it a solid effort.

My dad went vegan on us and he's lost 34 pounds so far. He makes smoothies in the blender to avoid the waste of the juicing since he doesn't have birds to eat the mush. I can't stand pulp though, so I don't see smoothies in my future.

Cheese.. the hardest part of this whole process. No cheese.
That's why I want a Vitamix, it makes it all smooth-no pulp.

The veggie juice I do with a juicer, but the smoothies I make with frozen fruit and my NINJA! It comes out like a slushy, too cold to notice any "pulp". Even dh will drink the smoothies and he's super picky.

I couldn't go vegan, I love steak, burger, pork, etc. But I believe with balance you can have both. You are the same age as my sister, I'm 27.

I have to admit, I totally fell off the wagon, but I'm trying to get back on.

I think the juice fast is a great starting tool, because it takes all the decision making out of it. You just put veggies in and drink. Easy peasy. Now that I'm not working, I'll probably try again to see if I can get past the tummy pain.
So long as they make bacon cheese burgers, there is no veganism in my future!

The neighbor gave us ground venison and I took my burger and chopped it into quarters and ate it slowly. Otherwise I would have scarfed down 2 in one sitting. Tasted close enough to beef.
Buffalo is good too... but $7.99 a pound!

Really it is about moderation and flipping your scale around from being a giant steak and a side of mashed potatoes and green beans to being... a small cut of a lean meat, and the majority a raw or lightly steamed pile of mixed veggies. And don't slather butter all over either... let the natural meat flavors do the work.
I have replaced most (not all) the salt in my cooking with pepper and other spices. You get lots of flavor without extra calories or huge amounts of sodium. But, a little salt does liven things up.

I try to eat veggies first, then I eat whatever else is on my plate. That way, when I'm full, it will be mostly veggies. Sometimes I'm not strict with myself, but when I am, I feel so much better!

And you are totally right-moderation is the key. I don't think I could ever do a really long term juice fast, I need variety!

And, using spices instead of salt really lets you get creative. I've had spices in my cabinet for years that I never touched, but now I pull them out and try different combinations. Some turn out pretty bad, but some come out amazing!!
The other thing we are going to start doing is buying only grassfed/pastured meat products. I really do think that the more naturally raised animals are better to eat, healthier, full of good vitamins and minerals. Plus, that animal probably led a happier life, which is better for everyone involved.

I have been doing a lot of research about the Paleo diet (it's not a "diet", it's a diet), and I try to steer us in that direction. I'm not 100% though, I love dairy, and just can't cut it out. But I do try. And coffee, can't live without the coffee.
Yeah we're trying too. Husband won't eat factory farmed meat, he's been doing that for 4 years now.

Coffee comes from a bean, and wine comes from fruit... those stay.
I can manage off 1 cup/glass.

We're looking into being bulk so we can sustain this longer, there's at least 1 wholesaler that will sell to the public, though it isn't organic.

When I do a garden this next year it will be for juicing... cucumbers and carrots and stuff.
I have lost 10 pounds!!! In... 6 days!

And I feel great! Doesn't "feel" like a diet at all since we're having the cheater meal at the end of the day. We're switching from rice to beans for the added protein, husband is having muscle loss worries, but he's lost 8 pounds!

Tonight will be a test, we have dinner plans with friends.
Hi everyone! Funny enough, I had seen this topic title and not read it. Last night DH and I watched that movie "Fat, Sick and Dying". I thought the cartoons were quite corny, but DH loved it. Went online and bought a juicer immediately afterwards. DH looks just like the guy that made the movie, but with the health of the trucker.

We will both email our docs today to get cleared on this and do the 10 day juice fast. I have gallons of blueberries frozen for him to make fruit smoothies at work with that Christmas present smoothie maker from several years ago that is still in his office, still unopened. We have a powerful blender already for smoothies (and margauritas, but that's another story).

So here goes! And we're probably going to add the rice dinner to ease our poor, abused guts along.

The challenge? Two adult sons to cook real food for in addition to probably scarfing some juice too. MUST RESIST THANKSGIVING. I'm already doing a boned, brined, smoke all=natural turkey and the family traditional healthier versions of sides.

DH is diabetic, so he'll really have to work at drinking the juices all day long to maintain even glucose levels. We're timing the start for this wednesday when he starts his holiday vacation time off, so the "hide in bed under the covers and feel sorry" phase can be fully enjoyed.

My health certainly will benefit as well. Currently on a really "nice" painkiller, have all sorts of mystery inflammatory/allergy/asthma/nerve/bone diagnosis of the month club stuff.

QUESTION: how much activity/exercise at first? During?

How goes it with the rest of you doing this?
Exercise? What's that?

Really though I just felt like moving, so I walked more... took the dogs out... we haven't structured any exercise into it, but have been moving more just because we feel like it.

We went out with friends Friday... I had a black bean burger and did not finish the sweet potato fries... telling myself I do not need to finish all that is on my plate. Husband had a salad and fish over rice.

The belly aching has subsided... we're at 5 juices a day and it doesn't have the same effect that it did at day 2. Day 2 was terrible.

From 185 to 172 in 8 days! We're going to keep on trucking with it. Thanksgiving and that whole weekend will be a challenge with family and all, but the inlaws are on the juice thing too so it shouldn't be all bad.

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