Juice cleanse

So far so good. Not doing a cleanse, but am really enjoying the juice. DH and the kids are hooked as well. I went from making a glass for myself before dinner and enough for breakfast, to making enough from 4 people before dinner and 2 for breakfast. We went through my supplies much faster than expected since everyone wanted some. DDs enjoying helping get the produce ready and watching the juicer work.

We went grocery shopping last night, DH and I were chuckling with the cart full of fruit. I've never had to buy 3 bags of oranges and 3 bags of carrots before.

We started with fruit only, then started adding vegetables. I don't like eating carrots, but drinking them is just fine. No problem with kale, I've never even eaten it before. We'll be trying celery and cucumber this weekend.

I'm sure it's too early to tell, but I feel great just knowing that I'm finally getting fruits and veggies in my diet.
So far so good.  Not doing a cleanse, but am really enjoying the juice.  DH and the kids are hooked as well.  I went from making a glass for myself before dinner and enough for breakfast, to making enough from 4 people before dinner and 2 for breakfast.  We went through my supplies much faster than expected since everyone wanted some.  DDs enjoying helping get the produce ready and watching the juicer work.

We went grocery shopping last night, DH and I were chuckling with the cart full of fruit. I've never had to buy 3 bags of oranges and 3 bags of carrots before.

We started with fruit only, then started adding vegetables.  I don't like eating carrots, but drinking them is just fine.  No problem with kale, I've never even eaten it before.  We'll be trying celery and cucumber this weekend.

I'm sure it's too early to tell, but I feel great just knowing that I'm finally getting fruits and veggies in my diet.

That is wonderful news. I'm glad that you all are enjoying it. :thumbsup
I started this on the 9th, it is now the 13th. I weighed in at 152 pounds and have lost 4 pounds. I am 5'8" and don't look overweight, but I know I have "muffin top"
My DH thinks I look great--I think I want some new jeans and I refuse to buy them for the behind I currently have following me around.

Here we go!!!!
I started this on the 9th, it is now the 13th. I weighed in at 152 pounds and have lost 4 pounds. I am 5'8" and don't look overweight, but know I have "muffin top" :barnie  My DH thinks I look great--I think I want some new jeans and I refuse to buy them for the behind I currently have following me around.

Here we go!!!!

WOW!!!!! Great job. Way to go.
I know how you feel about the muffin top! As tall as I am, it's the only spot that doesn't hide the excess.

Do not under any circumstances have a glass of wine under the justification that it is juice when all you've had that day was juice. What harm could one glass do? I have a headache and a belly ache this morning. That was dumb. Now I feel a strong desire for grease and fries.

To make matters worse, my wine of choice switched from cork to screw top, so I accidentally corkscrewed the screw top since I wasn't paying attention. Luckily I had a cork to replace it.
I weighed a few minutes ago and I weighed..........drumroll please................140 POUNDS!!!!!!!! TA-DA!!!!!!! In 6 days, I have lost 12 pounds
I have not drank juice only. I have to have real food, so I have kept it to juice and something protein. I fried round steak one night-not just ANY round steak, but round steak from a grass fed calf, with NO hormones, NO antibiotics........ YUM!!!
I used extreme self control and only ate 2 small pieces--heck fire I could have ate the whole darn thing!! I also cooked black beans and hambone.......cornbread.......yeah, I ate the beans, but NO cornbread and only 3 teaspoons of the beans. Breakfast is half of the cereal I normally eat,, lunch is juice. Supper is juice plus a VERY small portion of what ever I am cooking. One boiled egg and juice is very satisfying. And I have cut out after supper snacks, although right now I could eat an entire box of Cheezit crackers in the Tabasco flavor.
Sooooooo.........I ate 1/3 cup of homemade salsa-smokin' hot!! No chips-I ate it with a spoon----salsa is juice.....RIGHT?
I'm gonna go get my juice now

How did this happen to me? I have been skinny all my life, ate all the candy and fried greasy food I wanted, red meat and everything fattening I could sink my teeth in. In the last 5 years I went from 122 pounds to 152! At first I was glad my ribs didn't stick out, and it was nice to have a curvy butt, but the pounds just kept creeping up on me. I'm done! No more jelly-belly. I'm at 140 pounds, 20 more pounds to go. Somewhere in there I have to do that curse word-EXERCISE. I did spend yesterday and today piling branches and burning them. So maybe that qualifies.
Congrats on your weight loss!

Just be careful you don't lose too much too quickly... You have to give your skin time to bounce back to its previous shape, or you will be left with saggy skin.

Next week might be time to take it a little slow.
Congrats on your weight loss!

Just be careful you don't lose too much too quickly... You have to give your skin time to bounce back to its previous shape, or you will be left with saggy skin.

Next week might be time to take it a little slow.

I really don't think that will be a problem. I am not all stretched out of shape, just a little too much "shape"
I am 5'8" and carry my weight well, I don't look fat, but I feel the difference. Hmmmmm............on the other hand...............maybe I should take you up on that.............I could go get that box of Tabasco Cheezit crackers and eat them ALL!!!! MUHAHAHA

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