Just curious who else is living super frugal

Please don't misunderstand my reasons for questioning, I am just curious. We don't have hurricanes here, or earthquakes. I also live in a farming community and we all have our own borehole for water, septic tank etc. I do keep some food in reserve, in the winter, in case the weather is severe, but nothing like one month's supply, let alone 6 months. We do lose our electricity sometimes, in storms, but we just manage with candles until it goes back on. We are never concerned about civil unrest. Even when I lived and worked in London, we were never afraid of house break ins or burglaries, although of course they do happen. Earlier in the year we had some riots in a part of London. There was quite a lot of looting I remember, but it all fizzled out, as the culprits were rounded up. I think preparation is a good thing on the whole as long as a person doesn't become obsessional about it. That would be very sad.

I don't think anyone misunderstood your questions. The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked. It's good that you have some supplies. You are better off then a lot of other people. You would be surprised at how many people shop day to day.
I think preparation is a good thing on the whole as long as a person doesn't become obsessional about it. That would be very sad.

not to worry, I'm obsessed about a lot of things - none of them are cause for sadness.

personally, I think living in fear is sad. I'm not fearful, because I am prepared. people who don't care to prepare, and aren't afraid, well, if that works for them, it's all good. until it isn't. maybe it'll be all good forever, or maybe not, none of us can know for sure.

what we put our attention on and our energy into is aways a choice. I'm happiest when I have a plan (or several) and the means to execute that plan. it doesn't really matter if I never have to execute that plan... it is the having of the plan, and the means, that makes me happy and calm. And most folks probably would define me as obsessional. unless of course, I turn out to be simply prudent.

I figure it this way... where's the harm in preparation? if something goes wrong, me and mine will be as secure as it's possible to be. if nothing goes wrong, and I die of old age in my bed with my plan and supplies unused, the worst that happens is the nearest food bank will benefit from my preparation. either way, someone benefits.
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I keep reserves for a variety of reasons. 1) in 2010 me and hubby had lost our jobs and was only getting a fraction of our income. We were only able to get 32 bucks a month in food stamps to feed a family of 3. We ate poorly. Some nights, I didn't eat at all. That's a terrible feeling. And it went on for almost a complete year. I never want that to happen again. So I stock food in case someone gets laid off again. And hubby did again, only for a month but now we aren't shopping a lot which helps us flex our lowered income. 2) I do also believe something will be happening in our society in the future that isn't so pretty. 3) Filling the cupboards and freezers help me shop sales only. Butter is going around here normally for 4 bucks a lb!! Because I stock up when it's on sale and chuck the rest in the freezer, it's on sale again this week for 1.89 and I'm picking up 6lbs. It seems like a lot but I'm curious what it saves us over a year. 4) well I garden. A lot. So I put up food. A lot. I'm not wasting my garden stuff. I have a year of green beans I canned. But except for the seeds and my time, it was free! :) I also did (what I thought) was a year of apple sauce but my 3 year old loves it so much I only have 3-4 quarts left and apple season isn't for another 7-8 months!
Yes, I do understand your reasoning zzGypsy. For you this preparation brings security and peace of mind. For me, I feel I don't have to be so prudent as my circumstances, climate, terrain, weather conditions etc. are more moderate. I do find it infinitely fascinating to hear how others live and what motivates there choices. You sound very organised and I envy you that, it is a great virtue.
We have been using up our stockpile these last few months... i'm getting the jitters because its getting very low.. :lol:
I'm starting to clip coupons again and start back up... It just makes me feel better to know that my family wont go hungry if anything bad should fall upon us..
Heck, thank god i had my little stock pile this October when our state was hit by a nasty storm and we lost power for several days... my family all came here to live and we had plenty of food for everyone..
Just take it one step at a time redhen, you will get there. I know I am still so VERY overwhelmed by what I don't have or need to get. Sometimes it's head spinning.
We stopped on the food hoarding a bit. We keep roughly 6 months at all times but its really difficult to keep track of and keep anything from expiring on more than that. ( except for coffee, my mom insists she would rather die than give up coffee so she has roughly 5 years worth hidden away) We are seriously looking at hunting for meat in addition to raising our own. I will miss my beef though, big time. No one freak out but as of late we are sorta gun hoarding lol. Now for us thats not as bad as it seems. We have a whole 2 guns now and are looking at a third. I bought a beautiful 12 gage shotgun with a built in choke for hunting waterfowl. Not that I have but if things go to crap I at least want to be able to shoot some wild turkey. My husband bought a 22 rifle so he could kill all the predators my cages keep catching inside the chicken yard. We are now looking at a Mosin Negant for deer hunting. Cheap to hunt with, cheap to buy, and you can find some very nice looking ones. I have this thing for wood stocks. I don't want to look like Rambo or anything when I go out to shoot a possum. Anywho thats where frugality is taking us right now. How to affordably hunt for our own meat. We would be hunting for a family of 6, both my parents and my sister, and potentially my nephew and his family of 6. I almost feel like the family is gathering around the farm in preparation for even worse.

I am also looking into foraging skills. I already have a friend of my husband ready to take me morel hunting. His family has done it forever and he used to go with his grandfather. He still hunts for them so his grandpa can have some. Anywho he has agreed and my husband is all set to tramp through the woods with us. I know when my grandmother was living in europe during the occupation that she managed to keep herself and my mother well fed but she raised rabbits, worked for farmers, and foraged like a pro. She grew up doing it so she had the skills when she needed them. I don't yet but I plan to fix that.

We're a family of 5 and hunt. We currently own 12 guns and I will be getting another is a few days :) We don't just hunt though, we have them for predator protection and plinking as well. We also hunt Morels DH loves them. To me a mushroom is a mushroom, they'r all good breaded. I have a mushroom book with TONS of pics and info. I would love to find some other mushrooms to pick. Also check with your local DNR about foraging. I know around here we are allowed to forrage for free as long as we only take for our consumption and no selling. On our property we also have blueberries, huckleberries, and black berries.
How do you store pasta? say a 6month supply. I had a bit of a run in with dreamfeilds pasta earlier this month and found several packages (fresh from the store) that had weavils in them, of course I returned them and wrote to the company who sent me a check for $6..but still! I want to stockpile some and now I am worried it will get bugs in the pantry.
How do you store pasta? say a 6month supply. I had a bit of a run in with dreamfeilds pasta earlier this month and found several packages (fresh from the store) that had weavils in them, of course I returned them and wrote to the company who sent me a check for $6..but still! I want to stockpile some and now I am worried it will get bugs in the pantry.

I have a couple tall tupperware type containers that have a nice solid seal with the lid on. I use them for pasta, cereal, sugar, flour, rice, beans or whatever else I can fit in them when needed.
I have a couple tall tupperware type containers that have a nice solid seal with the lid on. I use them for pasta, cereal, sugar, flour, rice, beans or whatever else I can fit in them when needed.

Good idea! I'm going to go check my pasta tonight now..lol. :eek:

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