Just curious who else is living super frugal

I use Dr. Bronner's castile soap now for bathing and hair washing, I can probably just dilute it for dishes. That stuff goes a long way! They have "Sal's Suds" also, but it's not castile soap, used for house cleaning everything, best soap I have EVER mopped my floor with. No sticky residue at all!
What about these steam cleaners, good for cleaning everything I hear. After the initial outlay, there is no more cleaning agents to buy. Might be cost effective?
I blanched and froze some chard for the first time, (before the aphids got the rest of of it), I put some in chicken soup, but other than that. I'm kind of clueless about what to do with it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

People have been sharing this list with me lately when I gripe about the high price of organic food:
I like that the article points out: "eating conventionally-grown produce is far better than not eating fruits and vegetables at all"

Yay lettuce season is here! I've got a lot of volunteers popping up, because we saved the seeds last year. That's the side effect of saving seed: some of the seeds fall, and do the planting for you. I forgot how tender and delicious fresh lettuce can be.

I'm still working agressively on reducing debt. Thanks, good frugal people, for the extreme inspiration on this thread.

I'm curious about the steam cleaners - do they make them for things other than carpets?
I blanched and froze some chard for the first time, (before the aphids got the rest of of it), I put some in chicken soup, but other than that. I'm kind of clueless about what to do with it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Quote: from Totalcolour
Cooked chard with bacon bits makes a nice side dish

cooked leftover chard added to an omelet is fabulous

chard layered with sliced potatoes, some chicken broth and baked makes a nice casserole side dish - top with cheese.breadcrumbs and broil for something extra special!

I'm curious about the steam cleaners - do they make them for things other than carpets?

Quote:from Totalcolour
You can get steam cleaners with attachments that enable you to clean surfaces such as work tops, baby equipment and most excitingly of all, ovens. Apparently just the power of the steam removes all that baked on grime! And of course it also sterilises and deoderises. Can't be bad can it?
You know what I am finding hardest? Not spending when stressed. For whatever reason thats what I most want to do when things are insanely stressful. I just want to escape to the cool and cluttered confines of a Tj Max. I know its not the answer but for a little while at least its an escape. There is my struggle right now. Its especially a bit harder now that finances are improving. I am not sure how to get past this need. Even shopping goodwill plays into this, so shopping somewhere cheap provides the same escape but its still stuff I do not need. Its rough right now.
You can get steam cleaners with attachments that enable you to clean surfaces such as work tops, baby equipment and most excitingly of all, ovens. Apparently just the power of the steam removes all that baked on grime! And of course it also sterilises and deoderises. Can't be bad can it?

if you get a really good one you never need iron anything again either, it's so much quicker. I miss that! (I don't own one)
Go shopping! But leave all your credit cards at home, and put $10 in your pockets. You'll probably only be able to get one thing, so you'll spend a lot of time thinking about what to buy, and why you want it. You may even leave with the $10 still in your pocket.

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