Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

Haha I name all mine XD The last batch I bought was about 3 years ago. I only have two of them left: Snack (My rooster) and Lunch (My hen), Id also had Breakfast (Opposum got her), Dinner (My poodle got her) and Nummy Num (Whom my 3 year old nephew had named LOL but she tried to find out "Why the chicken crossed the road" and found it to be a fatal mistake).

My new ones that I just purchased 2 1/2 weeks ago are: Eggs and Biscuits (who are both Cornish rocks and hard to tell apart), Toast and Hashbrowns (Not sure what they are but they are red/speckled), Bacon (who I believe is an Ameraucana) and Coffee (Bantum)

No I dont eat them. I just think its funny to name them after food LOL

**Oh and I named my ducks too -

Howard is my female (yes you read that right) peking
Drake is my female (yes again... LOL) Cayuga
Maggie my female Magpie
Kiwi my male Khaki Campbell
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I have 15 RIRs and they are all named Jessica. Yep, that's right, all Jessica. I was watching an interview with Jessica Simpson and thought it was funny how she tends to move her head a lot when she talks; made me think of a chicken. Somehow from that interview my hens were thereafter known as Jessica. They all come running when I call out "Jessica". Honestly I can't tell them all apart so it is practical.

I recently went from 6 to 15 hens and so the original 6 I refer to as "the Chicago 6" and the newbies are "the gang of 9". The dominant hen from the Chicago 6 I refer to as the Godmother. I'm sure once the newbies mature i will no longer know who is an original and who is new, so Jessica it is.
I have only named a few, usually my Roosters who seem to last longer.

Such as my uncatchable RIR rooster "Stupid"
The other roosters are in with their breed of hens.
First post!!! I am brand new to all that is "CHICKEN"!!! I have 5 chicks and they are all named. The first 2 were my grandkids Easter chicks, so they were named by my granddaughter. Rosey, the Australorp and Marigold, the RIR. Then I got 3 more...staying with the flower theme, Buttercup and Petunia, EE's and Poppy (AKA Poppyseed), the Barred Rock. They will be pets and of coarse I will LOVE the eggs they provide!!!
When I went to pick out my first chickens the first one I saw that I liked was immediately a 'Penny'. Penny is sorta copper/gold color. I also bought a silver looking hen and a rooster. All ameri/auracaunas (not sure which) I just liked the way they looked.

When I got home with them I let my MIL name the silver hen and she came up with 'Nickle'. So we had a 'Penny' and a 'Nickel'.

We could NOT think of a name for the rooster but later that night (or rather very early the next morning) it came to me! 'Mr. Bill' - get it? Penny, Nickle and Mr. (Dollar) Bill.

Now the new girls are Sophia and Mimi.
We've named ours! We never use their names though, and call them all cluckers instead. So now our chickens only respond to "clucker."
To me the chickens are part of the family and are therefore allowed names...after all, my child has a name and so do the dogs!

Hermione, Abby, Bonus (didn't think he was going to hatch...a bit of a bonus) and the Freebie sisters: Phoebe the Freebie and Helen

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