Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

We have 3 chooks, Huey (black Australorp), Dewey (white Leghorn) and Louie (Rhode Island Red)
Also how do you post photos on here? I cant figure it out.
I have given up naming mine after the RIRs & banties ended up with not-so-original names: RIR1, RIR2, Banty1, etc.
I have since bought about 15 more chicks, plus one of mine hatched out some, so I have around 20 of 32 chicks that arent named.
I give up! From here on out, they're ALL named "Here, chicky-chicky!"
Ha, I don't even have chickens yet ( We're working on the coop still!) but we already know what we're going to name the chickens. We're big fans of M*A*S*H* so we've decided the chicken that looks like it's all up in people's kool-aid the most is going to be Major Hot-Lips (or Houlihan), the one that looks like she's having the most fun (or hitting the gin a little too hard) will be Hawkeye, and so on and so forth. The smallest one will be Radar. Yep. I'm insane!
When my son and I got our first batch of baby chicks we struggled with a naming convention but then came up with names for famous women - mostly actresses. Their names pretty much follow their physical characteristics - my Rhode Island Reds are Jennifer Gardner, Jennifer Anniston, and Julia Roberts (only she turned out to be a he:) My Barred Rocks are Venus and Serena Williams, the Golden Sex links (complete blondes) are Reese Witherspoon and Dolly Pardon and my very white feathered leghorns are Betty White and Barbara Bush. Naming chickens is way too much fun!!
They all get names if they live long enough. Names just happen, like Porkchop, a fawn/white runner drake coz he's about as smart as one. There's ducks Gabby, Radish, and drake Marcel. I have only named one pullet, 2-3 weeks, so far...PotPie. As they mature their adventures and attitudes will help name them. I only have a few if i had dozens i probably wouldnt if they were all the same breed. Q
I only have 8, and they are my pets (who coincidentally provide breakfast! bonus!):

Thelma (EE)
Louise (Cookoo Maran)
Betty (RIR)
Veronica (RIR)
Laverne (Black Orpington)
Shirley (Black Orpington)
Goldie (Gold Laced Cochin)
Mutt (RIR + possibly Sussex)


And yeah, on cold mornings, I make 'em oatmeal.
I don't name anything I may have to eat in the future! I named 4 of them. Houdini, Broomhilda, Tessie and Lace. 2 were eaten by dogs. 2 went off to live their lives elsewhere once these stopped laying or that's what I believe. None of them have been named since. I could name some of the bantams. They are more feathers than food!
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We have a Fluffy, Marilyn, ZsaZsa and a Gabor! We also have four 3 wk. old chicks from ZsaZsa and Gabor who have yet to be named :)
Mine have similar names- old lady names!

Agnes (Black star)
Cornelia (Red star)
Ferdie (blue/grey EE)
Mabel (golden brown EE)
Pearl (Buff Orp)
Amelia (Barred rock, named after Amelia Earhart because she likes to fly so much)
Bernice (Buff Brahma)
Alberta (BA)

and Matilda (RIR) and Imogene (BA) were roosters, so we had to give them up. I really miss Imogene- she was so sweet and outgoing!

We do call our cat "Cat" though...
That's something I've never had a problem with--as a teen we used to name our pigs, knowing full well that they'd end up on the dinner table. Mother says I have a hard heart; she might be right, but I'm still fun-loving & easy to get along with!

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