Keeping a secret in the bedroom..A clucky chicken!

"Hey mom great news I found a way to supplement the grocery bill a little."
"hey mom I found a great addition for the garden/flower bed/ compost pile"
'hey mom wouldn't it be awesome if we had easy access to safe food from happy animals for us(or pull the baby sister card here)"(assuming its a hen)
Another thing to consider is that chickens are social creatures that need the company of other chickens. S/he's probably pretty lonely when you're at school.

You better tell your mom now, so that you can get to work finding a buddy for Penny
I come from a very understanding family, I'm only 22 but I can so relate to this situation.
Tell your mom. Hiding things from her will only make her upset, approach it as one would to getting a puppy.
Say, please don't be mad, I think you may already know but...I really really wanted a hen, and an opportunity came up where I could get one. I researched everything, the breed, the responsibility, and well...I have been taking care of my baby. My hopefully hen. I have cleaned her, cared for her, and raised her for this long and now she thinks I'm her mom.
I almost garantee she knows its in there.No mater what you do, no mater what I did, you can hide anything from them.

This is an awesome story to be honest, I just hope you researched *If you posted it im sorry I skimmed* your town laws. If you cant have hens in your town, you wont be allowed to keep it regardless what your mom says.
I am wishing for a positive outcome and hopefully some pictures! :D
I'm getting a kick out of this!! I can't wait to see the outcome! I also have a black silkie! her name is dakota. this isnt the best pic of her. but she is super small and she doesnt make a peep!

Sooo, has your mom figured it out? Trust me, I did NOT think my parent would ever let me have chickens either. My aunt had about 2 dozen chickens, four turkeys, and three ducks. I LOVED the chickens and the ducks, so I decided I wanted some. I told my dad that and he was like "We can't have chickens here, we are in the city and they probably won't let us." I bet he wasn't expecting to have 2 chickens, 5 ducks, and 8 ducklings in that exact yard that he said "we couldn't keep chickens in." I've had poultry for 2 years now (not too long, but I'm only 13). Please update, we're all wondering :D
Oh lord, this is too funny and you have some serious guts. I really hope you don't get too into too much trouble over this. Update soon, as I'm going to be wondering all day, now!
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Mom, but..."
The "I'm sorry" will soften her.
"Don't get mad" and things like that will steel her up.

Good luck, kiddo.
Honesty is always the best.
ALmost never the easiest at first, but the best in the long run.


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