Kentucky people

The other bantam eggs are brown red and spangled OEGB (mixed colors). That's great that you have so many develop!!

My goofy duck decided to leave her nest. I don't know when she did, but she wasn't on it all day today. It's almost like she forgot she was setting; we went to check the nest and she had covered the eggs with leaves. I figure if she had just deserted it she wouldn't have bothered? It's like she went to eat, got up, covered her eggs, did her business, then got so engrossed in life that she didn't go back to the eggs

She sat on the eggs at least a week though, and none of them seem to have any development in them. Maybe that's why she left it, but it's still funny that she bothered to cover them!

I've got bronchitis
Isn't that fun??
Been barking for 4 or 5 days so far, but I went to the doctor today and got some medicine. Of course, like an idiot, I took my once-a-day antibiotic on an empty stomach, so my stomach is still empty.
Made my stomach hurt baaaad...and eating something doesn't help. I'll remember that tomorrow!
Take care of yourself and get well Shelleyd.

Sorry to hear about your Barred Rock Roo Mojo. There is a guy here in Lexington who has Barred Rocks. Don't know if he has any extra Roos. I could check if you are interested. Of course I still have my bantam roo who seems to have a Delcorn hen as a friend at roost time.

Welcome to BYC Kentucky Garrison Poultry. Dukedawg is a regular on this site.

Ametauss, my Dark Cornish mamma hen isn't bad, just very protective. It seems that all of the Cornish are really skiddish and run away in a near panic when I enter their pen. The Dark Cornish roo is very territorial and will fight any other roo who ventures into his pen. He had a roo twice his size hiding in a corner once, but he's not aggressive at all.

Get well soon "thefishery". Too much turkey?

Just a shout out to ladrifter. Had not heard much from you in a long time. It's good to know you are still among the living.

cthrash... where's the Bass? If there aint no bass you aint got no fish.

FrChuck, Have you gotten moved over to Winchester yet? How is that going?

Well it is finally December. If you put some eggs in your bator in the next few days you will have little chicks for Christmas.
Just a thought.

I have twice the numbeer of chickens that I need to over winter. It seems that culling will be a couple per week for a long time. But that is what meat chickens are for. And they taste good.
Sorry to hear that Chuck. Winchester is just a Sunday drive away.

Edited to ask: " What are you doing up at this time of the night?" I work nights and this is my day off and I tend to stay on the night schedule, what's your excuse?
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Sorry to hear that Chuck. Winchester is just a Sunday drive away.

Edited to ask: " What are you doing up at this time of the night?" I work nights and this is my day off and I tend to stay on the night schedule, what's your excuse?

The dogs woke me up and I couldn't get back to sleep. Also I have to be at work by 7:00AM today so I just stayed up.
I have three eggs from the breeder pen saved (trying to get a few more before Friday) I plan to put them into the bator on my birthday so I can have Christmas Chickies.

Thanks for the offer, Estpr13, but I'll wait til spring on the rooster, I think. No worries, I'll have plenty of time to get one before I need barred rock chicks in the spring. Might be interesting to see what a buff orp roo over a BR hen would turn out like, anyway
(sexlink perhaps?)

I let everyone out today to run and play (not getting hardly any eggs at all, anyway). It is cold and sunny, and they are all loving being able to run and play in the grass. Not sure if AWOL took off across the pasture or not, been hiding inside, myself. I'll be going out to check on them when I'm done with this post. I got a new net at a pawn shop the other day, so now I can actually seperate them more easily without having to chase them and try to grab them by hand
I figured they could stand to get out and run the stink off them. (plus, one of my buff rock bantams snuck out this morning, anyway, so I figured rather than chase her down, I'll just let them all out to play.)

well, I'd better go check on calves and see where AWOL has gotten herself.

I still have the sun room for sale. Also have all kind of waterer's feeder's chain link fence, gate's, steel post, rabbit hutch's, all kind of stuff for chicken's or what ever...Let me know if anyone is interested in all this, cause this stuff has got to go E-mail for more info
We're falling down the list.....

Bluedog -- what type of post and gates do you have?? can't pay much but I'm looking for T-posts and horse gates.... I really want to fence off the back pasture but funds are tight with DH not working....

This weekend the goats decided when I let them out to graze to wander around to the front of the barn yard and down the driveway towards the street.... thank goodness the house dogs were out front in their yard to bark and scare the goats back down the driveway....

I guess they think the leaves and weeds taste better down that way.... silly things...
Shelley, hope the meds are working and you are feeling better. I think she said that the goats were just fat and not preggo.

Wish I could afford to buy some of the stuff Bluedog has for sale. Unfortunately, unless I hit the Lotto, all the money for this month is committed to other expenses, like bills.

Welcome to all the New People, feel free to join in.

My hens have turned into veritable pigs with the feed. I'm having to get more feed than I normally would.

Meri, sorry to read about your rooster.

I hate this rainy weather!
Shelley -- I think the goats have fooled me.... They just like to eat and eat.... If they were preggo then they are really WAY over due..... I'm gonna see about "renting" a little buck for them so I have babies in the spring... I saw someone on Craigslist had some angora goats and they looked beautiful.... maybe a cross with my pygmies would come out cute....
eating pizza combos for breakfast.... mmmmmm.

anyway -
That new calf I got yesterday jumped/climbed over the gate this morning
I guess he didn't want to stay in the stall with Ike, Tina and Mocha all day. I'll put him back in tonight after he eats, he's fine for now in the hallway. (he has water and a dry place to lay down). He is taller than Mocha, and Mocha is a good week and a half older than he is. I think I have all the scours under control and/or cured. (of course, now I have a new one to go through it with once the two week mark passes

Well, so far I have 7 eggs saved to put into the bator tomorrow (not sure if I'll get any more of them to put in.) Still no hatch on those bantam eggs from Shelley - I did take one out this morning that I hadn't noticed had stopped developing halfway through. I was candling to see if I had any movement, and I noticed I had air space at the top and bottom of that egg. (boy, these Combos are DRY! they'd like to choke me, good thing I also have a diet coke to wash them down

Other than that, not much happening, for now. Wind has died down a bit, thank goodness. Have to run to town later - hubby is out of smokes. (I was hoping to have a day to just sit at home and hide - no such luck - oh well, I'll need more diet coke, anyway).


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