Kentucky people

Hey all!!

Bluedog, you getting out of the chickens? Selling everything?

It's official, we're getting a cat... And hope it will catch mice. Although Maggie caught one yesterday, and even though I gave her a treat for it, she was very disappointed when I took the mouse away and sat by the door for the longest time looking out where I threw it... I guess hoping it would come back so she could play with it again. Was supposed to get one today from a local no kill shelter but it turned out that when a mouse ran in her path this morning she just laid there watching it. So that one didn't pan out. We then went to the dog pound and I found one but we have to wait til Monday to find out if it is sold or not, the lady wasn't too sure being that there was a flag on it with not much info. Someone from the humane society put a dep on it but not sure if it was for personal pet or just to keep it from getting put under so now have to wait. Would've had to wait til Wednesday anyway til it was spayed/neutered to pick it up. Already bought an electric litter box and have it set up and ready. Wish us luck, there weren't too many friendly full grown cats to choose from and Ron doesn't want a kitten for some reason.
Does anyone know the user name of the Silkie Breeder in Eastern Ky? I think they are in Olive Hill...I have come across it before but can't seem to find it now.
I am hoping to get a trio of silkies and since I am in Menifee county they would be close for me to drive to.
Thanks to anyone who can help!
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Wall #3 is finally done, after much remodifications

Apparently my tape measure was a bit off when I was cutting boards, as one of the 2x4's (side board) was about an inch longer than the others (and right in the wonder it wouldn't reach!), and one of the 2x6's (bottom/top board) was also about an inch too long. But it is done finally, and didn't even need to be squared! It was right on the money!
So I guess the way to 'easily' square a wall is to put it together almost completely, then take it apart and put it together again!

Hopefully I'll be able to get the other wall done in the next few days, so we can stand them up and get started on the roof. I can do the inside pens when it's cold outside (and the walls are on
), but cold weather/rain/etc. and no shelter really stinks!!
I have redecorated my 40 gal aquarium with rock and driftwood from down at the lake here... Had to boil the driftwood for about 4 hrs, let it sit in water overnight and it still had to be held down by a rock. Notice the Pleco protecting the Jack on the left? Goofy thing... Jack has his own 12 gal Nanocube tank now.
What do ya'll think?
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We live about 45 min from there... And our daughter is attending Union College in Barbourville so we go through there often. Maybe we can stop and visit sometime on one of the trips to Union

Welcome to BYC and the KY thread... Lots of friendly folks here.
I had to work last week. Also I think BYC did something to upgrade their site and it logged me off and I had to figure out how to log back in.

Momma Dark Cornish tries to rip my hand off every time I try to refill the water or food. She scratches on the plywood floor of her cage when I put in food and calls the babys. She is aggressive at that as well. practically knocking over the quart jar each and every time. Often I find it knocked over and most eaten. She's a good mamma. Just emotional.

It is a shame she didn't go broody in the spring instead of the first of November. Somethin's wrong with her internal clock Me thinks. Who knows... perhaps she will go broody this spring as well and be a broody hen for me. I pitty the hawk who tries to take one of her young!
estpr13 -- not sure I'd put up with a hen like that.... might be table fodder...

Well we rescued another dog on Friday... a Brussel Griffin Terrier mixed with Beagle...

He's terribly thin you can count every vertabre on his back and every rib.... I don't think the girl that we took him from fed him for days.... He also stunk and was sopping wet when I took him.... She seemed like a nice girl but clueless to what a puppy needs.... He's suppose to be 6mths old... Vet time to get him checked out... He's been eating good and bowels are working fine... most of the time on my carpet.... but he's a sweetie...

BTW-- it has been very quiet on here... guess everyone was travelling or doing outdoor work to chat...
so... yesterday morning I went out to turn on lights and feed, and my barred rock rooster was dead as a door-nail. He's never been the strongest chicken in the coop, and I had planned on replacing him come spring, but, well, I guess maybe I'll still wait till spring and just buy an adult roo then. He was well past the age, also, when he should have been doing the deed, and he never did - never even crowed. He was a strange chicken, might have been something wrong with him from hatch, I guess. Pretty boy, but odd.

Well, I have his girls, still, so I'll just get a roo in the spring and start breeding them then. To be honest, I'm a bit tired of looking at big Barred chicks, anyway
, so a few buff and cochin chicks instead will be a welcome change.

I'm sure Bubba won't mind taking care of those BR girls until spring
I'll just stick them into his half the coop.

The eggs I got from Shelley ought to be hatching any day now - I put them into the hatcher today. Those are barred (
) oegb, and some other oegb, I think. I only had one egg not develop, so hopefully the rest will all hatch. Humidity has been an issue, though, so not sure when or if they'll come out of the shell. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

There isn't crap on TV tonight (so much for 150 channels
) I just watched a good show on Cain and Abel, but that's over so I guess I'll go read. Maybe I'll make a cup of capucinno and grab a biscotti and veg for the rest of the night. I picked up another copy of Lamb last week when I was out shopping - I love that book
makes me laugh out loud. Christopher Moore has a new book coming out, but not til February, so I'll have to make do with the ones I have of his until then. (it is Make Do, or Make Due?) I also like Coyote Blue (another Christopher Moore book). Adam took my old copy of Lamb, hence the new copy - the brat.
he has more of his books than I have, he didn't have to steal my copy.

Oh well, see ya all later - and welcome to the newcomers.


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