Kid and City Friendly Chickens

We have chickens at our historic site and they are an integral part of our summer programs. So, kid friendly was important to us. We also wanted an heirloom breed. We went with Faverolles. They are an old French breed; really lovely feathery footed hen with a big neck ruff. They are not heavy layers, but very consistent. Ours layed until they were 7 years old! They coo more than cluck, which is super cute. They are mellow which is great for the kids who have not been around animals before.
We have RIRs and they meet all of of your requirements. My 5 year old handles them just fine, we get plenty of eggs, and they are pretty quiet. We live in an urban neighborhood and no one has complained. The most noise they make is when they lay an egg... they sing a little song.

And good luck getting a dozen eggs out of them for sub-$1.
There are several calm docile breeds that meet your requests. You will get plenty of suggestions as to the breeds which will all be good choices probably. But no matter what you choose number one - they are individuals with there own personality. So no matter what the breed you choose they may not meet your approval they may not be friendly. Some like attention some don't. If you reach for them they will most likely run away. This is probably because the will see it as a peck. They do this to each other as part of the pecking order. When they start laying they often squat and it is then that you can pick them up or pet them. This is actually a breeding behavior most chicken keepers will give them a little shake on the back to keep them happy. They will follow you around for treats and attention. I do enjoy my chicks, some are friendly some are not but they are very interesting watching there actions. They are not dumb, they have there own world they live in with its own set off rules. I think it is great to be a part of it.
Large chickens can be scary. They are predators after all. My docile chickens love mice. I have seen them catch mice. You could consider bantams. There eggs are smaller but just as good. You can keep several bantams in the same space as fewer large breeds.
My advice: read several articles from experts and follow thru and stick with your choice
I have 4 children who handle all of the chickens in our flock quite easily. They are also good layers and quiet.
Buff Orpington
Funny, I read that Leghorns were "flighty" and active but got two anyway for good white egg laying. Our leghorns ended up being the friendliest and like being held and rocked to sleep.

My chickens make tiny little noises all day. Most are really quiet, like between them. There are other noises they make... like a growl... that's directed at me, letting me know they'd like to get out of the run and free range. These are all quieter than a cat's meow.

But they do sing a little song when they lay an egg. And that's pretty loud. More like a dog's bark.
I agree, my Australorp is the most friendly, she lets anyone pick her up and is very gentle when hand feeding and quiet. She even protects the youngest of my flock by putting herself right in between the two. I've seen her do this a number of times and I'm amazed every time. The Brahma is very noisy and has very sharp beak, so I would definitely not recommend a Brahma. My Rhode island red is also very gentle and lays the largest most double yolk eggs I have ever seen. Best of luck!
Hi, I'm in your area also! Nice to meet you neighbor. I love good old Buff Orpingtons. They lay well, are quiet, go broody and make great mommas and are friendly. I'm very impressed with my New Hampshire hen this year - first time to try them. She's big, quiet and lays huge eggs. My Australorps are great layers, friendly but the two I have are very loud when they lay - other than that, they are quiet. I have had good luck with Americaunas (Easter Eggers), black sex links and silver laced Wyandottes. I didn't care for the Barred Rocks, they were all very bossy and flighty, but layed well. I have had Welsummers a couple of times and they are all noisy!! I tried Delawares - great friendly hens, but slow to mature. I also tried, Javas - very slow to mature, not good layers and flighty. I had one brown leghorn that was a great layer and went broody which I hear is very unusual. She wasn't the best momma hen though. Best of luck to you and your chicken journey...I hope to meet you sometime! I don't know if there is a private message on this site or not, but I will try to send you my contact info if there is.

good luck,
DID ANYONE MENTION DELAWARES? I've heard that they were sorta laid back, curious and personable. I've seen them in the Feed stores and at Ace Hardware. They weren't skiddish at all (probably being spoiled by the workers) and they lay reasonably well --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona
DID ANYONE MENTION DELAWARES? I've heard that they were sorta laid back, curious and personable. I've seen them in the Feed stores and at Ace Hardware. They weren't skiddish at all (probably being spoiled by the workers) and they lay reasonably well --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona

I had a Delaware hen last year who was skittish, unfriendly, and LOUD. After my neighbor commented on her volume I found her a new home in the country. Not sure if she was just a cranky bird or she came from less than ideal stock (hatchery) but I won't take a chance on another one in a city environment.

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