Killing, Plucking, Eviscerating, & Cutting Up Your Chicken - Graphic!

This is a wonderful tutorial. I'll likely have to use it soon as I'm ordering meat chicks, and I'm having trouble finding someone local to teach me butchering techniques.

The graphic details were handled well. I believe butchering is a fact of life even children need to face at some point.

Thanks for taking time to post this.
Nice post and very informative. Thanks for taking the time to provide so much detail
cool ! ! its so nice of you to post this kind of tutorials. . . it really help a lot. . i never thought that the gizzard are still useful . . we usually throw the innards of the chicken after cutting its tail . .

thanks a lot for the information . . .

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I so wish I had this info last summer when I got my first 6 meatbirds ever. (First chickens ever). I had to harvest them myself and when I was done they looked .....well, NOT like that. Thanks to this post I hope they will at least look like chicken when I am done.
Best tutorial EVER. I wish I'd seen this when I'd done my roos! They looked...mangled after I got done with 'em. Tasty, but mangled.
Wow. I just had a conversation with my husband about how I could NEVER kill our chickens. Now after reading all 17 pages of this thread, it doesn't seem like such an outlandish idea!!

Our neighbors already hate that we have chickens, they would probably run us out of town if they knew we were butchering them too

Wonderfully educational pictures!

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