Lame Rooster Question as to cause.


10 Years
May 5, 2009
New Berlin
I have a Black Orp Cockerel that is about 16 weeks right now. At around 12 weeks old he started limping, almost like he had dislocated his hip/knee. One leg was fine, and the other he would keep very little weight on when walking, and laid down a lot. I told my wife it look like a droopy leg or dropped leg. He seemed fine, was in a pen with 6 other non aggressive chickens, and remained the top chicken. As he was eating, drinking, and seemed to be getting around to the best of his abilities, I decided to leave him until I sent my extra Roo's to slaughter. Yesterday when going into the pen to get the waters to clean, didn't the little bugger get up from where he was laying on the ground, and walk normal. (Well he seems to be careful with it) standing normal, like nothing is wrong.

My question is: If he is in fact ok, what was his issue in the first place?

Looking forward to your thoughts.

My first thought is a vitamin defeciency that he managed to correct somehow. Did you notice him drooping a wing too or just a leg? Did you notice him eating a lot of something in particular (other than his feed)?

Im still pretty new at this but hope that helps a little.

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