Landowner Kills Dogs Killing chickens

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my last dog died just a few months ago. i was truly sad and we mourned her loss. in 11 years she never left her fenced area without me opening the gate and telling her it was o.k. i had exactly the same situation with previous dog and the dog before.

several years ago i looked out my window to see the biggest meanest looking pit bull/rotweiller mix i had ever seen looking lost. he had no business in my yard. i grabbed up my .45 and walked out the door. i cautiously approached the dog with my pistol at the ready and told him to sit, which he did. i carefully extended my hand to check his collar for information with my pistol still at the ready. no information on the collar and he didn't try to maul me. good for me, good for the dog.

we put up a large sign in the front yard and put him in a separate pen. our other male dog was upset at his presence so we knew we couldn't keep him. we contacted to local vets and animal shelters. nobody reported him missing and nobody showed up from our sign. i developed a good relationship with him and we eventually found him a good home. it was all up to his actions though. had he even growled at me on my property, i would have popped a cap in him. instead he is presently living in the great state of south carolina and even has his own bedroom.

about 20 years ago i got a call about a doberman that was going to have to be put to sleep for killing some other dogs. the owner was distraught because the animal control officers were on the way to his home. this was the third time he had killed another dog and he was to be destroyed. the real bummer was that all of the dogs he had killed were in HIS yard. people let their dogs get out, enter someone else's yard and when they got killed they blamed the innocent dog that was only protecting his territory.

somehow the doberman managed to magically disappear before animal control got to the location to pick him up. when i dropped the tailgate at my house and my dogs came out to greet him he immediately jumped on the first one and started trying to kill him. i picked up a 2x4 and beat him severely. i then picked him up, put him back in the truck and took him to the vet to fix what i had broken. when i brought him back home and let him out he sniffed at the other dogs and then went and laid down. he never killed another dog from that point on and Max lived out a long life as a fine companion until he died of cancer.

the bottom line is this. too many people are not smart enough to raise and properly care for a dog. if you can't control your dogs behavior then keep them contained. if you can do neither you don't deserve to own dogs and shouldn't be surprised when they get shot on someone else's land. raising a dog is easy, if at first you don't succeed then try house plants.
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Me too pickles, me too. I'm so glad to see your reply because I actually had my feelings hurt for being who I am. I dunno, guess it's the lack of nicotine that's got me all teary.
for pickles!
the bottom line is this. too many people are not smart enough to raise and properly care for a dog. if you can't control your dogs behavior then keep them contained. if you can do neither you don't deserve to own dogs and shouldn't be surprised when they get shot on someone else's land. raising a dog is easy, if at first you don't succeed then try house plants.

Sounds like a pretty good summary, Michael. Wish everyone would take heed, but we know they won't, sadly, for their dogs.​
Count me in that catagory, I have a ton of houseplants my last dog bit 2 people he was on a leash walking down the street. Least I know it and no longer own one.

people are tense in that town towards each other...How sad...and most likely kids are watching and learning negative ways on solving problems.Never ending circle......

- very well said.​
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This situation for me hits close to home. As far as I am concerned, I have a very clear and concise opinion on this. As a dog owner, if you cannot or will not keep your dog contained on your own property, they get what's coming to them should they go onto another's property and destroy THEIR animals. If another dog came onto my property and attacked my dog to kill, I would have the right to protect my dog, correct? Well, my chickens are no different-they are pets just as my dog is. It is a known fact that most dogs will kill chickens if given the chance, so we do what we have to to protect them. If you as a dog owner have a problem with that, take care to make sure your dog is under control at all times and not wandering the neighborhood. And if it does damage or kill someone else's animals, they should be generously compensated. That's my 2 cents!
In my eyes, there is no diference between a $5 chicken, a $1000 purebred dog, or a $3000 thoroughbred horse. The value of any of these is priceless to the pet's owner. That being said however, if you are not responsible to keep your pet's contained on your own property, you are NOT a responsible owner, & should be aware that your negligence might lead to the death of your beloved pet.

I had an on going problem with neighbour's dogs. For more than 3 years this went on, and culminated with my chook Lucky being attacked. The vet bill was over $250. the neighbour said it was only a $5 chicken, & he wasn't paying. I went and took a firearms course & purchased a shotgun. I dispatched 2 of his dog's within a month cause they kept returning to my property to go after my birds.

The neighbour sued me for the loss of his dog's. His lost his case in court & my countersuit prevailed. He not only paid my vet bill, but court costs, my legal fees & my loss of enjoyment on my property. It was a $4,500 lesson that he didn't learn from. Six months later I shot his wife's german shepard for acting agressive towards me. They moved shortly after.

I don't give warnings anymore, & neighbour's know not to let their dog's wander loose around here.
And you are going to walk up to a strange dog while it is in the process of killing your chickens and check it's dog tag!!!!! O.K. Not me, it is the dog owners place to keep his dog from harming in any way, other peoples property! I love my 3 dogs and I try my best to keep them on my property but, if they do roam off and kill other peoples animals...............then it is my fault for allowing it to happen. As far as I'm concerned, the other person has 3 choices......1..Take me to court 2..kill my dog
3..allow it to happen and forget about it
the funny thing is my last dog was a labrador and loved to chase birds in the back yard. when she caught one it ended up as lunch. she even killed two of the neighbors chickens when they came into our yard. it was HER back yard and inside HER fence she ran a tight ship. outside of her fence she never even chased a butterfly. i raised her to be polite in public and she heeded the lessons.

then chicken little came into my life. when chicken little got big enough to start taking out to play in the back yard i sat him down and when blondie approached i gave one command. "be nice". in a years time from then until blondie died i never had to give that command again. while she would still chase wild birds, when i took chicken little out in the yard to play blondie would do nothing but try to nurture a relationship with the chicken. of course the chicken never really took a shine to the dog but he at least tolerated blondie.

what scares me is a large number of people that are incapable of even raising a dog, which is a simple beast to teach, are raising kids. if someone can't teach a dog how to behave how do they teach something as complicated as a little human to act?
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Even with my friends I make it clear....
You bring your animals, heck even your kids to my house then you keep them in line. If you fail to do so I will, in one fashion or the other. The way I see it, if you fail to keep your animals or your kids acting right you have just defaulted and surrendered your rights to me.

I don't feel that this standard is to high, because if I come to your place I maintain mine. I would never fail to keep my animal/kids in line at your place. I would not surrender my obligation and rights to anyone. Because I know what could happen to them if I did.
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